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Hot Day, Dinkytown Down

It was another late morning for us. As always Scott entertains Meadow while I eat breakfast. I already miss the days when mornings were slow and we'd have breakfasts together. I'm usually so hungry from feeding her all night I can't wait to eat.

The heat was so bad, I don't think I"d cook either way.

At night Meadow will sleep in her own bed just fine. During the day she has to be held by us. If we try to set her down she wakes up right away. Scott set her in the boppy and she actually stayed asleep.

For some reason I decided it was a good time to weed my wildflower garden. It's looking pretty good.

When I came back inside Peanut had joined Meadow near the cool tiles.

Every year we get mystery plants growing in our garden from our compost. This year we got tomatillos and cherry tomatoes. 

The corn is doing quite well.

Since our wildflower garden is actually doing well this year, I picked some flowers to cheer up our house. 

Between our CSA, garden and WIC we really hadn't needed to go grocery shopping except to pick up a couple things here and there. This was our first real trip this month. 

On the way home I wanted to check out my college apartment and the neighboring House of Hanson and Duffy's Pizza. They will all be demolished very soon.

Two of my roommates worked here during school. It was overpriced, but it was locally owned and extremely convenient. They also carried Sockarooni.

We lived in the place on the left. It was once a beautiful Italianate  Victorian. The Duffy's (owners of the pizza place next door) hadn't exactly kept it up.

I don't think our keggers did it any service.

I've already told this story, but across the street was UTEC, which housed the Wake Student Magazine. I worked there for the final two years of my undergraduate degree. A lot of fun was had at these locations. They will be missed.

At the same time I believe in urbanism. These two streets were primarily parking lots for the Dinkytown businesses. A real city should thrive based on street life and good transit connections. I don't know if these building could've been a part of a denser Minneapolis.

Back at home we had lunch and ice cream. 

I think we have an ice cream problem.

Meadow loves her black and white mobile. It's the only thing that can keep her entertained for awhile. I wish it wasn't above her changing table so I could get stuff done while she looks at it. I thought I'd make one quick to put in the living room. She seems interested in lights and shiny things so I thought a tin foil one would be perfect. She doesn't seem to notice it unless its moving. 

Wow another successful nap on her own. Must be the heat.

Scott was busy editing photos from weddings he shot the last two days. Being baby free I was able to help make dinner.

And do some organizing in our cupboards. 

Then we ended the night by watching another episode of Breaking Bad


Sunny day said…
Garden looks good

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