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Northwoods NYE 2024 - Wild Ice Edition

After our stop in Dunbar for lunch, we drove the last hour to Three Lakes for Northwood New Year's Eve.  When we arrived we were greeted by Rudolph.  I love the addition to the Christmas decor this year. It was time for Second Christmas after all.   Grandpa must like playing with fire. Theo will not lose even if he lost. Deer pancakes for our first morning at the cottage. At least for Theo. The rest of us just got plain old pancakes. I'm not sure why, but they're always better when Grandpa makes them. I recently read that you should take a 30 minute walk after eating. Scott and I didn't bother getting dressed and headed outside. That was just my sister talking, but oddly I think it makes my reflux worse.    Another New Years with no snow. There was a tiny bit in the shade. Theo got to cut down the tree this year.
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