It's been warmer out so Theo and I have started going on adventures everyday. I've been playing Zelda: Breath of the Wild on our Nintendo Switch and Theo loves watching the game. I talked him into going to the woods near our house by calling it the Bobilikin Woods (actually bokoblin , but that's how he says it). Theo was instantly excited with the prospect of destroying some goblins in the woods. He brought along a Duplo as his Sheikah Slate . Just like Link. He loves to pretend to be Link everyday since he got his sword and shield. Theo walked all the way across Lyndale Park and over to the bird sancturary. In his element. When we got home he fell asleep on the couch. He was pooped. The next day we went back out again. This rock became a mysterious shrine. While Theo was hunting for bobilikins it was the perfect excuse to travel some of the trails that had been created through the bird sanctuaries marsh and ponds. Many bobilikins were destroyed and the korok woods w