I asked Theo what he wanted for breakfast today. He said donuts and I couldn't say no. We walked over to Bogarts to pick them up. He liked that the sequins on his shirt lit up the donut bag. Meanwhile, back at home Meadow was making second breakfast of mini eggs and toast. Silly little gal. The kids bedrooms were so close to being done. Scott put the baseboard shoes back on so I needed to caulk. Can't have tiny gaps, I guess. We borrowed a projector from Daniel for Meadow's birthday party. We tried it out the night before by using our big map as a screen. Sometimes these kids get along and play with their toys. Meadow actually using her 3D printer pen. The kids new rugs had arrived. Hammock season in the backyard I guess? Ever since Blake got Instagram he sends me random videos, like Bundt tacos. You know I had to try this. Fun idea, but I think I'll stick with cruchwraps next time. On Sunday Meadow made banana bread. We seem to always have way too ripe bananas o