I'm starting to actually feel pregnant. Besides the back pain, reflux and mild contractions, I feel pretty good. I am constantly being asked by strangers when I'm due. Luckily no one has tried to touch my belly. Only I can touch the belly. It's finally warmed up enough around here that I was able to move the seedlings to the back porch. Peanut loves that he has windows to look out of again. We were supposed to have griddle cakes on Saturday night, but grilled out with friends instead. This batter is gluten free and required me to use our grain mill. We ended up eating an hour or so after having some issues grinding oatmeal. I was worried these weren't going to taste good. It seems like whenever we make something that takes forever it doesn't turn out. They were pretty good. I also didn't have that heavy feeling I get after eating pancakes and they kept me full longer. They weren't pretty at all. I'm pretty sure the