It's getting cooler outside which means Scott brings out the flannel. Flannel shirt. Check. Flannel-lined pants. Check. Flannel underwear. Not so much. I had a quick breakfast then made breakfast again for Scott and I. He always complains I don't make breakfast for him. I'm always so hungry when I get up I have to eat right away. Oh, man. Everyday I love this woman more. And look at the beautiful daughter we made! Meadow loves putting everything you give her in her mouth lately. As you can see we are slowly working on Meadow's room. I talked to my sister. I was hoping to Skype with her and our newest baby niece, Simone. Unfortunately they don't have internet for the time being. I've been trying to get her to sleep on her own lately. She fell asleep while I was nursing her then woke up as soon as I moved. We grew two pie pumpkins this year. Our biggest ones yet. I prepped them for roasting. I then froze the puree fo