I love making breakfast from whatever vegetables we have in the fridge. She's becoming fill-in-the-blanks hash expert. Apparently Meadow also loves mom's Sunday morning hash surprises. My mom wants a new knife set for her birthday. That gave us an excuse to check out the Restaurant Depot in Brooklyn Center. I've always heard this location was open to public and we finally got around to checking it out for reals. This used to be the Best Buy that I worked at for two years. It looked nothing like the place I worked at. We stocked up on a few good deals. They had Organic Valley butter for way cheaper than what we pay for other butter at the co-op. We've also started a love affair with Oaxaca cheese and decided it was a good idea to get some of the best tortillas in town, La Perla . We used some of the tortillas right away to accompany our leftover tacos el pastor. Since we didn't get to go apple picking with Emma when we we