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Showing posts from October, 2014

A Little Duluth and A Little of Nothing Much

I had a photo shoot at the College of St. Scholastica so we got to stay the night at the Radisson in downtown Duluth. Of course we went swimming. This was the best pool yet. The temperature in the room matched the water temp. 

Chores and Pumpkins

It seems that every time we go to the Children's Museum Meadow gets a cold. I let her have orange juice with her breakfast.  Ever since I taught Meadow how to use a piggy bank we give her all our coins so she can add them in. This may be another reason why she gets colds. As we were heading out to go to the Farmers Market one of the neighbor kids spotted us and asked if he could come along.  He had never been here before and was surprised that it was an outdoor market. He assumed it was in a big building like a grocery store. He hung around with us for most of the day. His family is moving soon. This may be one of the last chances to hang with us. I made a tandoori roast turkey over the past few days and we ate leftovers like it was an Indian Thanksgiving. The neighbor boy noticed the crock so I opened it up. Our sauerkraut was ready! We were all excited for all the possibilities until Brooke told me I had to can the kraut.

A Pumpkin Patch Made of Money

I love making breakfast from whatever vegetables we have in the fridge. She's becoming fill-in-the-blanks hash expert. Apparently Meadow also loves mom's Sunday morning hash surprises. My mom wants a new knife set for her birthday. That gave us an excuse to check out the Restaurant Depot in Brooklyn Center. I've always heard this location was open to public and we finally got around to checking it out for reals.  This used to be the Best Buy that I worked at for two years. It looked nothing like the place I worked at.  We stocked up on a few good deals. They had Organic Valley butter for way cheaper than what we pay for other butter at the co-op. We've also started a love affair with Oaxaca cheese and decided it was a good idea to get some of the best tortillas in town, La Perla . We used some of the tortillas right away to accompany our leftover tacos el pastor. Since we didn't get to go apple picking with Emma when we we