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Showing posts from April, 2011

Freaster Sunday

We decided to stay home for Easter this year. We've missed the past few years and seem to be okay with it. We still celebrate in our own way. For breakfast I made oat bran. This time I sweetened it with a little agave. Scott seems to think I only like my oats bland, but that's not true. I make truly interesting oats. Agave, my friends, does not make oatmeal tasty. If you're looking for a quick, but complex variation try this recipe the next time you have a few extra minutes -- unless you like bland-meal. Steel-cut Oats w/ Apple Chips, Raisins and Cinnamon 1 C Water 2/3 C Steel Cut Oats Handful of Apple Chips 1/4 C Raisins 2 T Brown Sugar 1 t Cinnamon Pinch of Salt Cook the first two ingredients for a few minutes over medium heat. When water starts to simmer lower heat and add dried fruit. Cook until tender. While still on heat add a teaspoon of cinnamon, two tablespoons brown sugar and a pinch of salt. Eat. Scott looked for his Easter ba

Avenue Eatery, Opens

About a week ago my pops came to town. We needed breakfast so we headed over to the Avenue Eatery. We walked there.  My dad grew up in Cudahy, WI , a working class suburb of Milwaukee, with a long period of living in the Bay View neighborhood in the city proper. The Cream City (nicknamed for it's uniquely colored brick) is the most segregated city in America; but there is/was poverty both North and South. Bay View is the prime example of a working class neighborhood that struggled through decades of decline. Now, when I return, there's always a new brew pub, artists studio or, what do you know, services that real people can use. When I was a kid, that was unthinkable. If you know anything about the recent history on West Broadway and NoMi, you know what a struggle it can be to revitalize a major corridor. Bean Scene Too was the second coming of Linda Baker's dream. The business struggled--the economy had tanked--and Catalyst has taken it over with the help of Sheri

100 Years on Irving Ave.

Last night Brooke and I headed over to the Irving Inquisition 's house, which is about twelve blocks from our abode. We helped celebrate Eric 's century old gem the only way you can: adult pinatas, booze and good conversation. It was strange meeting members of the North Minneapolis blogosphere: Irving himself, The Deets , the Hawthorne Hawkman and even the seemingly elusive Hillside Chronicles (not to mention Councilman Don Samuels ). It was weird, but it was a wonderful time. Met so many great people and got to hangout with the always wonderful Connie , the best buyer's agent you can ask for. Now to the night's highlights:

Last Sunday, One Week Late

We stayed out partying pretty late last Saturday night. As stated in an earlier post , I will admit I was pretty hungover. I had a little too much gin and not enough sleep. Usually a big bowl of bland oatmeal cures my hangover, but not today. My stomach was not happy so I was not happy. Getting out of bed did not sound like fun to me, but Scott had other plans.   Well, I didn't have different plans. I just wanted to make her breakfast in bed, since we did indeed party way to hard. So I made her oatmeal. I put a bit of Munuka honey and sliced bananas in mine. That's what I would call comfort food. Brooke wouldn't have it -- but I admit she drank a lot at the Irving Inquisition 's party.  If there was one thing I learned in school it was how to cure an upset stomach with items in your pantry. Downing club soda mixed with baking soda usually does the trick. We didn't have any club soda so I opted for mineral water instead. My stomach beca