I wish I could've updated while I was there so I could remember everything I did. Thinking about it makes me sad that I'm not there. I want to live there when I grow up.

We did a lot of sightseeing and walking around. I didn't realize there was going to be so much to do, I could've easily stayed another week..or month. I waited so long to go and see Scott again and now I have to do it all over again. I wish I was a stronger person, I cried on the plane. I was watching The Holiday so I hope people don't think I'm a sap for crappy love movies. I guess I'm still overwelmed by the whole experience that I don't know what to say about it. I list everything that I can remember right now.
Trafalgar Square
Kings Cross
The first Beigel Shop
Tate modern
The Shins
ok I lied there is a lot more but I don't feel like listing them all.

I look forward to summer. I currently live in two houses by the way. I'm excited to live in our new house. Hardwood floors, tall ceilings, two stories, and a bath tub with feet. The kind of house I've always wanted to live in. Sadly I won't be close enough to the beach anymore, that's ok I'll still go.
>cough< prostitute...