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I'm a Fairy: Halloween with Meadow Jane and Friends


Our Halloween festivities started with our annual pumpkin carving party with Cevonne and Jose. Of course it has to be done with Skype. I really wish they would move back already.

This year I attempted to make a cyclops, but it turns out that a pumpkin-cyclops just looks like a gourd with two strange eyes.

Meadow painted hers blue marble. It was "going to be beautiful".

I guess my pumpkin won this year.
Meadow was a little afraid of our pumpkins once they were lit up.

We had photos from a Armatage Park Halloween Party and Eleanor's Birthday party, but Scott lost the memory card...

Life happens.

For the first time in forever I made Sunday breakfast. Kaiserschmarrn it was.

We really had no plans until later in the day. I wanted to get some yarn for a new project. We drove down to Linden Hills to check out the almost-closed Needlework Unlimited. So, many yarn stores have closed since I moved here.

Most knitters were trend followers. Brooke just keeps on keeping on.

I took awhile trying to decide which yarn to get. Scott kept saying, "Do you really need more yarn?"
And I replied, "Do you really need more fishing lures?" 

Meadow found a few things to kill the time.

Since we were down in Linden Hills we went over the Wild Rumpus bookstore. We ended up with a few Christmas gifts.

I mostly stared at the ceiling.

Apparently Meadow's new imaginary friend Sally lives here.

I have always wanted to try fareisle knitting, especially with a Nordic design. Here's to hoping its a success.

When we got home we heated up some leftover pizza. I bet you know by now that we only ever eat leftovers for lunch. Zero-waste and better than lunch meat.

Sundays mean Packer games for these two.

We only could watch the beginning of the game since there was a Halloween shindig going down at one of the community gardens near by.

Instead of caramel apples the kids got to frost their apples. I saw a lot of kids licking their knives.

Probably should've went with peanut butter instead.

Alexis even got in the glutinous fun.

We couldn't talk Meadow into joining the drum circle. 

The apple station was a hit.

What does that make the drum circle?


I had no idea Meadow would be so excited to be a fairy. I asked her in August what she wanted to be and she didn't really have an opinion. She has play butterfly wings so I thought a butterfly would work. Then out of nowhere she decided she wanted to be a fairy.

I blame it on FernGully.

One of the Northside's community garden champions took the kids around the block on a make-shift hay-bale ride.

Audua from our neighborhood org made sure everyone got a hot dog before they gave out seconds.

He asked Meadow if she was an angel. She replied, "No! I'm a fairy!"

She must have found that funny.

We met up with Brent and Shannyn to do some trick or treating on the parkway on Halloween night.

Their whole family was dressed up as Care Bears.

Alyson and Thomas joined us too.

I had a feeling this year was going to be the year that Meadow would understand how Halloween works.  She was too excited to go the next house and was getting far ahead of her friends.

She moves quicker than most three year olds.

Alexander's costume reminded us of Meadows first costume. She was a dinosaur with a tail that wagged.

She jumped off every retaining wall.

It's cool having friends on the parkway. It makes it feel like we're just not taking advantage of the richies.

Instead of saying "Trick or Treat" Meadow would say "I'm a fairy". Then people would talk to her and she would wait to get more candy.

These folks all had the right idea. Sit outside next to a fire and watch all the crazy kids.

Apparently this is what they do in the suburbs while also drinking beer.

In my hometown of Cudahy, we weren't allowed to trick or treat at night. It was always the Sunday before.

Meadow wanted to keep going, but her friends were ready to call it quits.

We still had to go to our neighbors house. They always decorate so well.

They're also just really cool people.

Meadows haul.

I decided we should turn all of the chocolate candy into a chunky candy ice cream. Everyone agreed.

Then we Skyped with my sisters to end our Halloween.


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