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A Belalted Gift Exchange with the Fialas

A few days ago Meadow figured out how to crawl forwards. She's been able to push herself backwards for awhile, but hasn't mastered going forward until now. I usually let her play in her diaper after she gets up and before bed since its easier for her to move around.

Getting Meadow dressed lately is such a battle. She does not want to stay still.

This is her "you can't catch me" face.

Today we had to exchange Christmas presents and go to Menards.

Bag sale, yo.

Scott asked for waffles for breakfast. I told him he had to make it while I took care of Meadow.

So I made them.

She's also figured out how to jump in her jumper.

Fresh waffles as they were made with a mixed-berry syrup.

It seems everyone was taking advantage of the 14% off everything you can fit in the bag sale. I didn't know today was going to be so nice or I would have suggested going for a walk.

We got more than what we came for.

Did we?

They had a ton of stuff on clearance too.

I want this smoker-grill/big green egg knock-off.

Meadow was hungry when we got home. Lately I've been having trouble with breastfeeding on my right side so I have been pumping to help it heal. Meadow doesn't seem to care how she gets her milk.

Our little baby is growing up. She's pretty good at holding her own bottle.

The other day I said we should get a higher wattage bulb for the dining room. Even when it's at its brightest it was still too dim.

So now we've got a higher wattage bulb.

I got saltines a few weeks back because we both got a stomach flu. I made a little snack for us since dinner was hours away.

We got polyurethane spray, light switch covers, tiny christmas lights, machine screws, light bulbs and towel/toilet paper holders.

The mixer broke a week back. I figured out how to fix it once again, but it seemingly needed longer screws. This did the trick and the gearbox is now snug against the housing.

Before heading over for our mini-Christmas get together we picked up a pie from Pizza Luce for dinner. 

We brought over Meadow's new high chair so she could sit with us at dinner. It's been really nice having this.

It mounts to the table instead of having legs and travels easily.

Now she can sit by herself instead of one of us holding her during dinner. She has to be included in everything we do. 

Olive thought she needed some toys.

A lot of toys.

We eventually told her she had to stop. It looks like Meadow had plenty to keep her busy.

Olive thought she was a clever one.

Cameras, lenses, etc. as usual.

I practiced counting with little O.

Olive wanted to see Meadow crawl, but was too anxious to wait for her. 

Olive had to go to bed soon so we exchanged gifts. Emma made this embroidery for Meadow. 

Meadow thought it was a giant cookie. She also got two new books, a dress and/or shirt, and gingerbread soap. They really spoiled her. 

We got Olive a stacking game, June some toy cars, and Tyler and Emma a mortar and pestle. 

Then Tyler went upstairs to put Olive to bed. 

We played with our new stuff while we waited. 

Emma made us this awesome embroidery from one of our wedding photos. They also got us sheet trays for our dehydrator and hot cocoa.

Look at my fro! This is pretty awesome.

Then Meadow and June played together. 

Meadow kept trying to eat his socks. 

They are 4 months apart and the same size. Actually I think June might be bigger. 

I don't think June wanted Meadow in his grill.

Little runt is still perfecting the crawl.

Meadow and June were both very tired, but neither of them wanted to sleep. They were just so excited. 

I tried rocking her, but it wasn't working. 

Once Tyler came down she was so excited to see him and was in a goofy mood and full of energy.

I think Meadow thought Emma could feed her some milk.

Then she got stuck under the couch and was cranky from then on. So, it was time to go home. 


Amanda said…
Jeff did the 14% sale too.
I loved the gifts from your friends! THe wedding picture was awesome. I laughed at the picture of Olive giving Meadow all those toys! Ha, ha. What nice memories you have on this blog.
Chelsea said…
Holy cow Olive is a big kid now! When did that happen?

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