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Open Streets Harvest Fest or Fun Times in North Minneapolis

She's been sleeping longer at night and much happier in the mornings. 

We decided to blog our Saturday this week since I had a wedding shoot on Sunday.

No idea what Brooke ate for breakfast, but I had Korean Rice Bowl with green beans substituted for asparagus. I  served it with homemade kimchi from Bittman's Best Recipes in the World.

As I told you last week, I transplanted three of the brussels sprouts. Surpassingly they didn't die.

Today is my last Saturday off. I go back to work this week. You've been good to me Saturdays.

I had to watch the neighborhood organization's table at this year's Open Streets on Lowry Avenue.

We decided to walk all the way down to check everything out first.

The police were actually having fun on the northside.

If you've never been to Open Streets, they basically close down the street for the day and let you do whatever floats your boat. Four square was popular.

Politicians are everywhere.

They're outnumbered by families having a good time.

Lowry definitely has some great businesses. We have three awesome Asian grocers on this stretch. I tend to go to Good Deal for rice noodles and the sort since Get Happy is further down the block.

We decided to get a bubble tea from Get Happy on the way back.

We helped manage the JACC booth for a few hours.

Fellow JACC board member Jeff stopped by with his dog. He walks his dog down our block on a regular basis since he lives a block over.

While Scott talked politics and about the neighborhood I watched all the passerby. Out of nowhere this kid starts climbing. He got stuck once he got to the top and his parents seemed confused on how to get him down. A nearby homeless man coached the parents on how to get the kid. 

Meadow slept through most of everything. One woman came by and didn't seem to like her name. We have gotten a few "That's different." This woman said, "Who decided on that name?"

That was pretty funny.

We were going to walk around, but Meadow wasn't having it. I was having difficulty trying to nurse her in the Ergo so we just went home. 

Now that she can support her neck well, we've been putting her in the Bumbo while we work in the kitchen. She seems to enjoy seeing things from a different perspective and we get to be hands free. 

I made potato skillet pie for dinner. It was OK... Not something I'd make unless I had to use up a bunch of veggies from the CSA (which I  did).

Then it was bath night for Meadow. 

She loves baths. Sometimes I think she purposely pees on herself during diaper changes so she can get one. If she's super fussy beforehand she calms down as soon as we put her in. Lately we've been letting her play and splash around once she's washed. I hope this means she will like swimming. 

She's about to go splash. That's my little bear.


Amanda said…
When did she start sitting in the bumbo?

No matter what name you go with someone will have an opinion that is annoying.

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