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A Slow Burn Sunday

The three of us usually sleep in pretty late since Meadow likes staying up late and sleeping in.

We snuggled up at some point during the morning. I was conked out from a wedding the night before.

Now that she's more alert she's realizing she's not in the womb anymore and has been much fussier. She's needs movement to fall asleep and we have to help her almost every time. It's a little frustrating some days but I just have to tell myself it's just a phase. She's in what's called the 4th trimester so she needs motion and noise to calm her down. And she needs to be held all the time. 

No more tummy time for her. She just flips herself back over.

Between doing work (on a Sunday...I know) I checked in with my babes.

I worked on a video for a real estate startup out of the Twin Cities.

Once I was done I spent the rest of the day with my three best buds.

My days are becoming too relaxing with her sleeping on me all the time. 

Despite a busy summer, our garden is growing like gangbusters. We planted some Ichiban eggplant from Webber's Greenhouse again this year.

We also planted some tomatillos for the first time ever. We really didn't need to. As always, we left a row in the middle to get in between the two sides of the garden. In this row a humungous tomatillo plant, ground cherries and a few cherry tomato plants grew. This seems to happen every year.

The tomatoes are a nice size already, but I think they'll be a few weeks until ripe.

All of our sunflowers also grew from the compost. I transplanted them to the fence line. I have no idea where this varietal came from.

We used the last of the 2012 venison for a Tuska classic times two: stuffed cabbage and green peppers.

I continue to try to be a good husband. Since Brooke was busy with the little one, I took the laundry down.

Brooke and Meadow decided to join me outside before dinner.

She loves being outside despite being whiny indoors. 

I think this is our best garden yet. Although we say that every year. Maybe we are just getting better. 


emma. said…
Hey. It's called kapusta. Sheesh. Hungarian, specifically. Polish is in soup form. But you probably knew that. We're probably related also.
Anonymous said…
I am very interested in your ice cream making and had a few questions:

-What type/brand ice cream maker do you use? -Recommend any recipe books? -If you would start again, what would you do differently?

Great blog,
Mike from SE MN.
Anonymous. We have the Cuisanart Pure Indulgence. The other option, if you have a Kitchen Aid mixer, is their ice cream maker attachment. I feel like Kitchen Aid is better fresh and Cuisanart is better after being put in the freezer overnight. The Ben and Jerry's cookbook is perfect. Has three different cream bases and you really can go anywhere from there. Plus it's got all their classic recipes. Also don't be afraid of raw eggs in your ice cream mix. It has never been an issue.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the ice cream tips. It is so great that you went camping. We are going in a few weeks with our 2yr old and I think she is going to love it. They grow fast so don't blink!

Mike from SE MN

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