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Sleepy Sunday

Scott had left for work hours before I woke up.

This past week has been cold-yet-still-above-average and rainy. That's good for the outside now that everything is green, but it's been too cold for my peppers to sprout indoors. I'm glad I started them early though.

Before I have breakfast I have a cup of hot water and lemon.

I also got started on this weeks bread dough.

I have to, of course, have my favorite for breakfast. Steel-cut oats.

I had originally thought today would be a perfect day for doing laundry. It was actually sunny out, but when I got outside it was a lot colder than I had anticipated. It wasn't quite freezing so I hung it out anyway.

I then take a mandarin break.

The dough is ready to be rolled out. I do three pieces a bigger size and three a smaller size.

I braid the strands creating two loaves. I place the smaller loaf on top of the bigger one and let it proof at room temperature.

For lunch I have a leftover stir-fry.

The cheesecake on the left is actually red velvet with cheesecake in the middle. The other night Scott and I went over to Cevonne and Jose's for dinner. I wish we had taken pictures because Jose had made paella.

Cevonne did take a picture of me eating my first mussel with her cell phone.

Back to the cake. I didn't have enough red dye and didn't really want to buy more so I looked up a natural red food color and found a recipe that uses beets. I actually like the color that it created instead of the bright red that you usually see with red velvet. It did taste a little like beets at first, but after awhile it seemed to go away or maybe I stopped thinking about it.
And the bread this week is Cranberry Walnut Celebration bread. It is kind of a dessert bread in that it has orange extract in it and is very moist. I would definitely make this again for Thanksgiving.

When Scott returned home from work the first thing he did was eat cake.

Just so you know, I did not eat the whole thing.

He whined and complained that I didn't clean the bathrooms like I said I would. If you cleaned 15 toilets in one week I don't think you would want to clean 3 more on your day off.

He then fell asleep so I went ahead and dusted the house and cleaned the bathrooms.

While he brought in the laundry and made dinner I decided it was my turn to lay down.

I just wanted to prove that I'm not the only one who takes naps. Seeing that I mostly work evening shifts, I get tired when I have to work early.

I made Sun-dried Tomato, Basil and Feta Frittata for dinner. Brooke loves eggs. I think that's because it reminds her of breakfast.

After dinner, while I do dishes, Scott goes straight to the TV. He couldn't remember the last time he did dishes so while he did those I got to watch TV.

This was a pretty momentous occasion to watch Brooke enjoying the boob tube. I had to take a picture.

We finished the night with Toy Story 3.  It was pretty good (though I saw the last half-hour at work one day), but not at the same level as Up! or Wall-E. This picture above cracks me up.


Amanda said…
You made that cheesecake!!??? I want some!!!!! I agree about the toilet thing.

I watched Toy Story 3 too in the last week. I wonder if we watched it on the same day. Interesting. . .Oh how I miss you.

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