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Big Box Shopping Day...Literally

This week I made ground cherry pie.

What are ground cherries you ask? Well they're not really cherries at all. They are grown similarly to tomatoes. They have a husk surrounding them like a tomatillo and are about the size of a small grape or cranberry.

I've see these at the coop and at farmers market for a brief time in late summer/early fall. I bought some the second I saw them at my coop. I wasn't sure what to expect in terms of taste, especially after having bad luck with currants this year. They had a really pleasant taste and were very sweet.

 We both woke up early this morning. For me it was stressing over the wedding. Scott put a breakfast order in for giant pancake with cinnamon apples.

Typically I cook breakfast for us, but its really nice when Brooke does it for me. Plus she's an expert on making big pancakes.

 I can't believe apples are starting to show up at the farmers markets. Where has summer gone?

Since we had no syrup this was my idea for a topping.

Unbeknownst to Brooke she put on a "United We Stand" shirt in the morning. It just happened to be the tenth anniversary of September 11. Irony was not implied.

The only thing that would have made this breakfast better was two big pancakes.

I usually make the other pancake in our pie pan but it was being used for the ground cherry pie. 

We spent much of the morning organizing our table settings for the wedding. We took photos of each set of centerpieces and then decided to bag them up to make it easier for our wedding day helpers.

I can't wait for all this clutter to be out of the dining room. 

The garden has finally provided us a bounty of produce.

Just look at this massive heirloom.

For the next week or so nearly every meal had tomatoes in it.

On Saturday night we met up with Ali and Monica to discuss their bands set for our wedding and I got my quarterly haircut. Ali is a master of the scissors. 

We had to leave to meet up with Tyler and Emma for a night of Pair of Dice Pizza, Tron and Nordeasts. On Sunday we ate our leftovers before going on a few more wedding errands.

 I started on the lavash so it could rise while we ran errands.

We had to meet with Cevonne in St. Paul. I had just picked up some Door County peaches from the East Side Coop on Saturday. What can't they grow in Door County?

 Brooke and I had went to St. Paul earlier in the week to find my wedding ring and possibly a different dress for her. The one she initially bought wasn't doing it for her. Plus it was only $30.  The one we liked the best was at Selby and Snelling's Go Vintage. Brooke couldn't find it at first, but in the end she found it.

I was starting to worry and figured it just wasn't meant to be until I found it stuffed between two other dresses. The cashier was super excited that it was my wedding dress. You'll just have to wait a few more weeks to see what it looks like. 

 Cevonne and Jose are members at Sam's Club. I'm so glad they are, then I don't have to wait on my parents.

This was this first time I'd ever been to Sam's Club as far as I can remember. We were hoping to get tortilla chips, mexican soda, water and juice boxes. By the way, Cevonne is way pregnant.

 I really hope we bought enough.

I'm hoping that 18 pounds of tortillas chips is enough for 60 to 70 people. We weren't able to find Jarritos, but they did have Mexican Coke, which is made with real sugar.  

I wonder what's in the massive oil barrel next to Brooke's head.

I think it was indeed oil.  

 Love birds.

When we got home we stored the drinks and chips in the guest room.

We quickly prepared the lavash pizzas when we got home.

Brooke baked the lavash while I cut up all the toppings. You can see that Brooke's not a fan of circles.

I think rustic is more fun than uniformity. 

 Poor Scott had to go to a work meeting soon after dinner.

And that's how the night ended. 


emma. said…
I wonder if Costco has Jarritos? I have a Costco card. We could check sometime if you like. They have big cheap organic heavy cream that I could never figure out how to use quick enough but at CSA share packing on Friday I figured it out with a fellow packer! We're going to make butter!
Our caterer called around and got us a kick butt price on Jarritos and Sidral. I do wonder if Costco would've had 'em.

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