Brooke's embarrassed by our "under things." She asked me why they're on our blog. I really couldn't avoid them. It's not like we're airing our dirty laundry. They're clean.
Scott made breakfast.
Simple pancakes with some diced apples.
Scott's on a pancake addiction lately.
If I'm off on a Sunday, it's the only way to go. Though I do miss waffles. Brooke wanted omelets; I'm just not an eggy dude.
We used up the syrup that were Chelsea's favors at the wedding.
Then we headed to the farmers market. I suggested we go since there aren't many weeks left until it closes for the winter.
We skipped over to the market proper. Many of the farmers are from the large Hmong and Laotian communities in the Twin Cities.
I was very excited about how much food we could still get, being that its the end of September.
I had only brought one bag and we filled it up right away.
All the growers insist on giving you a bag either way.
We walked a ways down Glenwood Avenue, which is the southern border of North Minneapolis. If we walked far enough we would have ended up at our wedding venue.
When we got home our key wasn't turning to unlock our door.
We figured out that there was nothing wrong with the lock. It was stuck because our garbage bag that was on knob was too heavy. My fault.
I tried to get a good shot of the food.
This weeks market finds were red and gold potatoes, carrots, kale, dino kale, cilantro, leeks, swiss chard, parsnips, brussel sprouts, bok choy, red onions, tomatillos, jalapenos, garlic, radishes and, my favorite of all, locally grown PEANUTS!
Scott heated up lunch.
We used to eat nachos all the time in our punk house days.
We made the nachos from our leftover fajitas.
Amidst our afternoon of cooking Brooke finally put the laundry away. When we first moved into North I was worried about leaving the house with our laundry hanging. To this day we've never had a problem.
And started prepping dinner.
While making dinner I accidentally broke a light fixture we had planned to put up in the breakfast nook. Scott was heartbroken.
I bought it for Valentine's Day! RIP awesome plastic light fixture from the '70s.
We finished prepping dinner before heading out again.
We ended up getting more food and paying a bit more, but its definitely of better quality. Plus we get to help out someone we know. Ironically we drove past one of the caterers they force you into at our ideal venue, the Theodore Wirth Chalet.
I also wanted to get a curtain rod. We've had the curtains since Easter, so it was about time we hung them. Especially with our impending guests.
Scott and kitty hung out on the couch while dinner baked in the oven.
She means that we're not winging it like we did much of the summer.
Point, set, match. Brooke.