We got up late and decided to go to Manhattan.

We do a lot of walking around

Dan is practicing for New Years.

Dan took us out for lunch with his gift card for some Chicago style pizza. We ate like kings.

We walked through Central Park.

There were some great photo opps.

I'm not sure what this place was for but it was pretty.

There's an ice skating rink in the middle that we're going to check out before we leave.

Some people here dress pretty crazy.

We were going to go to the art museum but the line was a mile long so we walked around instead.

Christmas time is pretty.

Saks 5th Avenue is pretty outside

and inside

I got new shoes at a vintage store yesterday

The biggest Catholic church in the US

Grand Central Station had a light show while we were there

We saw some interesting magazines at the news stand.

Mmmm street vendor pretzels

There was another ice skating rink in Bryant park

We found Time square. It wasn't hard to miss.

We stopped in the Marriot for a drink.

I had to get a cosmo of course. I find that I don't get carded here often. Nice.

The view was great.
~ a good friend