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7 Days Down, 158 Days To Go

Umm, well I ended up having a longer Christmas break than I had originally thought. It went really well until the last few days.

I had dreaded this day since we met, I always knew it was going to come, but yet I ignored that it would ever happen. Saying goodbye to Scott was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I've had to do that so many times last year and I still have to do it. If I can get through January and February and I think I will be ok, or so I keep telling myself. I took out a second loan and it got denied, so I'm still as poor as ever until I can figure out what I'm going to do. I'm so glad school starts next week, being alone all day is very hard.

I left Scott Thursday night and headed back to Little Chute, which I was glad I did. We're having some family issues concerning my dad's business and the death of his friend. It tears me up to see him like this.

I wish I could've stayed home longer. I pretty much did, I left home early Sunday morning in order to be at work noon. My New Years was ok, my past 3 New Years have been sad I hope this years will be better. I don't have any resolutions because I don't think there is anything about me that needs to be resolved, but I do like to make lists of the good and bad things of the previous year. 2006 had more good things than bad compared with crappy 2005.

Top 5 Good Things of 2006
1) Meeting Scott
2) Moving out of my parents house into a new city
3) Turning 21
4) Finding a school and a career that I want to do
5) Becoming closer with my dad

Top 5 Bad Things of 2006
1) Scott left me
2) I broke my arm
3) I'm very poor
4) My dad might lose his business
5) I still work at Menards

5 Things I look forward to in 2007
1) Going to London
2) Scott coming home
3) Getting closer to graduating
4) Summer bike rides
5) Getting a new job*

*crosses fingers

Back to my Christmas break, I thankfully got Christmas Eve off even though it looked like I wasn't going to. Scott came up for Christmas Eve, my first year bringing a boyfriend to meet the entire family. Christmas day we went to his house. I like his family. It was a little weird not going to my grandmas. Spent a few days in Cudahy, called in sick on Wednesday, then headed back to Little Chute for a few more days. I saw a lot of people that I missed.

Not pictured is Keely who I finally got to see after a year and a half. The only people I didn't see were Tyler, Susie, and my kids.

To clear up any confusion on where I work. I stopped showing up at American Eagle because they were paying me a high school wage that I could not afford to live off of so I am part time at Menards still. I'm learning more and more about electricity, pretty exciting I know.

I've been doing a lot of knitting with the free time that I have a lot of. I'll post pictures of my projects later. The free internet we were stealing doesn't work anymore so I'll be spending a lot of time hanging out at libraries and coffee shops.


Anonymous said…
Time will go by faster than expected
Anonymous said…
How do u use your own pictures as your xanga background.........................................................................................
Anonymous said…
that was a long post... I will get u some rocks. You want pendants?
Anonymous said…
I could have sworn that I commented already! I guess I was wrong. How are you. I haven't called because I have been sick since THURSDAY! It's now Monday and I'm just feeling better. It's been horrible. I will give you a call sometime this week though. hope your doing you and miss you!!!!!

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