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Three Lakes, Wisconsin is the Best: Memorial Day Weekend Edition

We decided to take Meadow out of school a little early to head to the cottage for the weekend.

We also wanted to stop by the Amish buffet we went to a while back. It was closed, but we did end up getting to Three Lakes at a more reasonable time.

I'm hoping they were just closed because they're too busy. I'm worried the health department shut them down or they didn't get enough business.

We were the first to arrive and had to say hello to the lake.

It was warmer outside than inside.

Theo had found a good place to rest. I don't think Meadow minded too much.

Then Blake showed up with his dinner.

I found a new puzzle for Meadow to do.

I helped her out.

Blake brought both of Daniel's dogs.

Meadow wanted to snuggle too.

The next morning Meadow requested pancakes. Blake was making us breakfast so she had to make her own.

She did well and even shared with Theo.

The adults had fiddlehead omelets and corned beef hash.

This was probably the only time all weekend Theo let someone other than me hold him.

And me.

Meadow was already tired before she even did anything.

It was too windy on the lake to really enjoy it, but I did get in some fishing with Theo even if the blue gills and crappies were unlikely to bite.

We had passed by a big rummage sale the night before so of course we had to check it out.

There wasn't too much of interest, but Meadow did find a jump rope.

The women were happy to see Theo. As we were leaving they wanted to see Theo again and gave us a box of toys.

We found a couple more garage sales. At one Meadow got Barbie's and another I got a stack of likely scratched Wii games.

We also got that high chair to leave at the cottage for Theo.


What she's trying to say is that we stayed warm on the lawn when we got back. The wind on the lake was still too strong.

Blake actually got a gift for my mom for Mother's Day.

These folks really like their corn.

It was nice out, but the wind was still too strong to do anything on the lake.

When Marina arrived, the girls didn't mind the weather.

G.G. had picked up some squirt guns for the squirts.

I had brought our new muffler along. Since we couldn't go for a boat ride I had Mr. Mike help me install it.

We spent the rest of the day on the porch.

On our way to the cottage we stopped at Barley John's to fill up our new growler.

It didn't stay as carbonated as our first fill, but it was still good. Plus it's better for the environment or something. I just wished the price was lower seeing as there's less overhead.

Meadow, Marina and occasionally Theo played with the box of kitchen toys we got from the rummage sale.

It got cool enough to try out the new fire pit.

You can't tell but Theo was screaming when dad picked him up.

That was the theme of the weekend.

We made veggie chili from Mark Bittman's Food Matters Cookbook. We used up the amaranth we had instead of bulgur. Stick to the bulgur folks.

Of course we had to try and fish one last time before sunset.

I think the neighbors extra long dock was getting him the slab crappies.

The screen porch became the hangout for the night..

On Saturday  morning I made pancakes when Brittany complained that waffles take too long. Yes, but they are way better. Someone had left cherry syrup. I was not expecting it to taste like cough syrup.

The girls had clearly gotten different weather reports.

Little buddy is already a fisherman.

The lake was calm enough to take the kayak out. I brought Theo along with me, but he fell asleep not long after.

Blake tried out his wind surfboard without much luck. 

At the end of the weekend he would find the missing keel (the stationary rudder in the middle of a sail boat). Whoops.

So strong Meadow.

Little guy likes to dip his toes just like his sissy.

Blake tried the keel from the sail boat, but it was bit too long.

Then the kids and Blake just used the surf board like a paddle board.

I hope Theo is comfortable in the water.

We had a few squirt gun wars again.

Theo's new love, the sandbox. 

Then Blake took out the sail boat. I had fixed this last 4th of July, but no one had tried it yet.

Just enough wind to sail.

When he got back Blake checked the inside of the hull. Apparently my water proofing had worked. It was bone dry. 

Meanwhile, Theo played a long time on the shore.

I took the sail boat out next,  but had to wait for some wind. 

Not so happy by Grandpa.

I meandered back and forth and occasionally would get stuck. Still a work in progress.

The girls were busy paddling along the shallows.

This turned out to be a top 10 summer day.

Then it was boat ride time. Scott could have come with.

Ummm, well, I was informed that I had been voted out.

I was supposed to watch this kid, but he woke up just they were about to go. I thought the boat was full. I guess I was wrong. Instead I checked the Wii discs we had bought at the rummage sale.

"Mama's not holding meee!"

When the kids got back they weren't ready to go in yet.

I did my annual deep clean of the car. It was pretty dirty inside.

We asked G.G. if she wanted pizza on the grill. Last year we had bought Mike a grill to pizza oven converter. She just wanted to grill. 

So we had burgers and hot dogs for dinner. I had to remind them to grill Blakes "chicken" patty. Whoops.

Mr. Mike and I went out in search of some big pike.

We came back with nothing, but memories of a rad sunset.

Gail made a fire while were gone. We all went out to get s'mores and then called it a night.


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