We picked up some nifty gifts on Grand Avenue in St. Paul. We forgot to document it.
This year we decided to check out Daniel's avant garde Christmas light display: Boubville . We've seen the set up but never in action. Get a crowd and it takes on a totally different vibe. Plus I don't think we've ever seen all the lights and displays on at the same time. There was even a ball pit with hidden prizes. A few of the other kids activities for the first night were canceled due to frigid temps. The winter beach was magical. A great use of the boob lights. My favorite display was the interactive light display. Meadow even donated some art. The Ghosts of Dinners past was super rad. Like a manger scene where the people disappeared. Loved the burn barrels to stay warm. They were very necessary on this night. Hey I recognize that doll with the pink tights. This was one of the displays we'd seen in the past. In Blake and Daniel's garage some local teenage bands were rocking out. Not a bad first night of Boubville. While Brooke worked at the Supe...