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Winter Camping for Brooke's Birthday - Part 2

The next morning we ate our pastries from Johnson's Bakery before heading out again.

Scott wasn't dressed yet so Blake, Meadow and I went for a walk. Since we got here we had not seen another soul. It kind of felt like we had the place to ourselves. 

It makes one want to go all Thoreau on the world.

Then it was time to snowshoe again.

Since I had trouble trekking up hills Blake let me use his snowshoes.

While on our little walk Blake and I noticed a sign that said Beach Trail so we went that way.

Meadow's been on so many adventures for an 8 month old.

The trail went a lot farther than I thought, but still relatively short.

And the beach.

Blake was ready to cross the lake, but Brooke wanted to make sure we knew where we were going.

I got over my fear of the lake. I wanted to see the canoe-in campsite on the other side.

Alas we are not alone.

This lady appeared out of nowhere and was gone just as fast.

The snow on this side of the lake was super deep. Getting across was going to be too much work.

Blake's snowshoes seemed like a big improvement, but the snow was softer on this side of the lake.

Look Scott it's easy.

I should've kept my mouth shut. I started tripping like a hippy.

We took a short break in the trail center.

I was a little flustered.

State parks in the winter are sweet. Solitude.

We had to check out at 1 p.m. and needed to eat lunch. I wish we could have stayed a few more days.

I'd been saying that for the whole week.

The walk back seemed longer than the way out.

I made a bunch of "fruit rollups" from Meadow's baby food to take along.

Best idea ever. I've got a pretty awesome wife.

We ate the rest of the chili before packing up.

It didn't seem as spicy today. Alas, the cheese was still cheesy.

Meadow ate her snake during lunch.

Blake showed is his mad jug pouring skills.


Upon leaving there is a list of things you have to do including cleaning the place.

It's good a thing we had Brooke.

I wanted to keep snowshoeing, but the guys wanted to go to Ely. We saw a few snow sculptures in a park, so we stopped to see them.

This was the viewfinder on a snow camera.

Even Blake was impressed.

We continued to downtown, taking a potty break on the way.

Cribbage and lake country are so Minne-sconsin.

We figured Ely was safe place to leave a sled outside of a gas station.

It had snowed a little the night before so most of the sidewalks hadn't been cleared yet, making it easier for me to pull Meadow.

I was thrilled to see a big-little city. So many of Minnesota's small towns are lackluster.

Sometimes we had to carry her in her chariot.

Then Blake spotted a Goodwill.

I found one of my favorite childhood books, "Popcorn".

My shoes had gotten super wet, so I picked up another pair and some socks. The shoes were literally the same ones I had on.

Down the street was Blake's castle that he wants to buy.

It used to be a hospital.

Blake and I were plotting ways to buy the place. Too bad Brooke doesn't want to live in a small town.

I tried to uncover a sign, but it was buried under too much snow.

I sure hope someone buys and rehabs the place.

Apparently this place is good. Next time.

We had to get back to Duluth, so we went back to our car.

There was a second main drag behind the main drag.

I'm telling you Brooke, this seems like our kind of town.

Being as it is my birthday (and being out of town) Scott couldn't bake my cake. He surprised me with my favorite candy to make up for it.

I also got some Cheetos and pretzels for the road.

Meadow and I took a nap on the way back to Blake's.

The snowbanks in Duluth are taller than Scott. I like that it looks like dirty lasagna.


Blake had to go to work and so we went across the border to our favorite pizza place in Wisconsin.

I'll just go ahead and say that the Thirsty Pagan is my favorite restaurant in the Twin Ports.

We learned that the building was originally a creamery from the owner.

As usual everyone was asking about Meadow's glasses.

Damn good pizza and beer. 

When we got home there was a package for Meadow.

Our friend Alex sent Meadow a plethora of sample clothing.

He mentioned his girlfriend works for Oshkosh B'gosh when he visited us at Christmas. We've got some good friends.

As you can see she took a liking to that blue bear right away.

Then I got to open my gifts from Scott. Trail mix, long underwear, a spray skirt and a wet bag for our kayaks. Great gifts hubby.

Thanks killer bee.


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