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Meadow Turns One Month Old

I've heard a lot of moms say they can't believe how fast time goes by with their children. I also heard that from strangers while I was pregnant. The first few weeks with her were slow, but now time is going fast. I always say I can't wait until she's older because the newborn stage is boring since all they do is eat and sleep. Now I almost want to take that back knowing that she will never be this small again or sleep this often.

(Yes her onesie says "Little Hunk". When we bought a set of onesies we thought it was plain brown. )

So far she loves to eat. When she's hungry or thinks she's hungry she will eat whatever is near her mouth. The floor, buttons on Scotts shirt or my arm. I purposely didn't get any pacifiers so I'm not tempted to give her one. I've seen with other children how addicting they are. Even though I get frustrated sometimes when she wants to nurse for 2 hours or uses me to fall asleep I'd rather her do that then use a pacifier.

She doesn't care for swaddling or white noise. We mainly use her swaddle blanket just to keep her warm at night, we always keep her arms out since she pulls them out anyway. Recently we have been walking or rocking her gently when she doesn't fall asleep on her own. Her bassinet has a rocking motion and different noises, but she doesn't care for those. She loves to be held and seems to prefer falling asleep that way. She goes back and forth between sleeping on us, in her bassinet or in bed with us. She's starting to figure out day and night. She has been sleeping longer at night and will fall asleep right after eating. Where as during the day she may stay awake for awhile. 

She knows who I am and recognizes my voice and smell. She smiled at me while awake for the first time. She has been smiling in her sleep since she was a few days old.

When she's content she likes looking at her black and white mobile or at herself in the mirror. Her head is very strong already. We don't need to do tummy time every day as she holds her head up on her own for the most part. Today during tummy time she rolled over onto her back. She loves looking at lights and will turn her head towards it when she's awake.

At night and in the morning she is super loud waking up. She grunts and clears her throat.

And she's really cute, but you guys knew that.


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