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A Weekend of Babies

Scott had a wedding on Friday and still insisted we drive to Wisconsin afterward even though it was raining and going to turn to snow. It took us a little longer to get home because the snow was blinding us, but we made it. 

It wasn't that big of a deal. I'd rather arrive late than leave early in the morning.

The next morning my dad made us breakfast. 

We made a deal with my dad that if he worked on our car we would give him our old iMac. Since we needed a lot of things done we figured the cost would end up being close to what he was going to purchase the computer from us anyway.

He did everything we needed (changed the oil, replaced the filters, checked the shocks, etc), but didn't want to mess with the transmission fluid.

I guess I'll have to take it in when we get back to the Twin Cities. Honda's very specific about the type of transmission fluid they use.

I helped as best I could. I can repair almost any computer or camera, but I'm not a car guy.

We needed a bunch of things replaced so we went with dad to the local auto stores. 

While my dad finished working on our car we slowly killed time before we had to leave for Donna's baby shower. My mom always has random bits of food around that she only eats half of like a banana or chocolate bar. I like to eat the other half whenever I'm home.

Our parents tend to have so many treats around the house. We only bake fresh cookies or make ice cream, so that's rarely the case at home.

Donna and Malcolm's shower was co-ed, so Scott was able to come. They have a really neat house that I hadn't seen before. The party had lots of food to eat like make your own waffle station.

It's amazing that they live on the main drag in Appleton for the same cost as we do in the hood of Minneapolis. I'm sure their insurance is way lower too.

We found this and thought it was funny not realizing it was for a game. There were only a few hidden around the house and if you found one you won a prize. We won a gift card for Dairy Queen. As Scott always says, "Baby wants ice cream."

Malcolm has a killer home brew kegerator that their sometimes roommate built. Every baby shower should be co-ed and have beer.

They made some delicious pulled pork sandwiches. I should've had another.

I really liked how they had their shower set up. It wasn't like the awkward showers you usually go to. It was more like a party. We spent most of the time just hanging out. I was glad to see Morgan and Susie who I hadn't seen in a very long time.

Morgan's better-half is a cool guy too. We look forward to their wedding and should head out to Washington state sooner. Apparently they all didn't want their picture taken.

There weren't any games like guess what's in the diaper. Instead she had a table set up so people could design headbands and onesies. 

Even while they opened gifts it wasn't mandatory that you had to watch. Scott managed to find the one  other Minnesotan and talked with him instead while other people worked on crafts or ate food in the other room. 

It was great to see these two again and I can't wait to meet their little girl. 

Then we met my dad at his shop to set up his new computer and teach him how to use it. I have feeling he's not going to get much work done.

It's funny. I found it so much easier to teach someone how to use OS X than Windows. I hope he enjoys his speedy, new to him, machine. His old desktop was decrepit.

As plans to go out with my grandma fell through we went out to eat with my parents at the Stone Cellar  Brewery. They had their own sodas so while everyone else got beer I chose a blue raspberry soda. 

The food was good enough. It was mostly local and sustainable. If they had a better chef the place would be killer.

Afterwards my parents wanted to go out for drinks so we went to the the 5th Quarter. Not a bar I would go to again. Dim the lights people!

At least they had ski ball.

I'm getting big enough now that strangers are starting to notice.

She's so cute.

For breakfast we had waffles. My dad didn't make them for us this time. We had to do it ourselves.

Well he did make the batter.

My mom wanted to check Scott's blood pressure to make sure it wasn't high. 

Mine was just fine.

Then we tried to see if we could hear the baby's heartbeat. I think I found it for a few seconds. We could hear my stomach making noises, but no heartbeat. 

My mom wanted help setting up Skype so she can talk to her grandbabies. Their microphone wasn't working so Scott found one from our old karaoke machine they could use. 

We had plans to go see Brittany and our new neice. Since we were going through Oshkosh, we stopped at Zach and Ann's on the way for lunch. 

It turns out they are moving soon and now we'll only get to see them when we go to Milwaukee. 

For lunch we ordered in pizza from Glass Nickle. 

It was great seeing these two and we look forward to checking out their new southern Wisconsin home.

My grandpa has been pretty sick so we thought since they were in the way too we'd stop to see him. No one was home. I found later he was in the hospital again, but no one knew he was or we would have seen him there. 

I wish we could've seen them. It was still nice to stop by there place. It's always fun to peak in.

I left them a note letting them now we stopped by. 

And whenever we are in Redgranite we have to stop by Mosier's. 

I totally need these bunny candles for Easter next year. 

The sporting goods section of the sporting goods store. I wonder when they changed to random stuff. I wouldn't want it any other way.

I think this was the first time we didn't find anything we could use. 

When we arrived at Brittany and Jeff's she was just finishing up giving Marina a bath. 

I had no idea this cereal even existed. 

I get so uncomfortable around newborns. They never seem to like when I hold them. Must be my bony arms. She was fussy with me and then when it was Scott's turn she was fine.  

She was a little wiggle worm.

Brittany wanted us take portraits of her in her little pink romper. 

She did really well with us sticking our cameras in her face. 

Oh the life of the family's go-to photographer.

My aunt made her this hat that reminds us of Fraggle Rock. 

So cute.

I concur.

I held her again and this time she was more relaxed with me.

You're going to be a great mom!

Then it was time to head home. Of course we stopped at our favorite cheese place: Foster Cheese Haus

We had a little friend near us that waited patiently for us to drop any food. 

I love old dogs like this one. They're much nicer than the hyper youngsters.

Since we had pizza for lunch we opted for sandwiches instead. I got a pulled pork sandwich, although I should have gotten something with cheese probably.

I gave her half of my cheesy meatball bomber. We had so much Wisconsin fun. Can't wait to go back.


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