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Loco for Local

For the month of August Scott and I are taking a local challenge. We want to reduce our carbon footprint as well as help out our economy. Why August? Honestly we thought it would be the easiest. We figured we'd get the most out of our garden this month and there would be lots more in season at the farmers market. There are two exceptions and they are, my sister's wedding is this month and I'm making her cake. Unfortunately sugar can't be grown in Minnesota. I know there are other alternatives like honey, but I really don't think I should experiment when 200 people are going to be eating it. The other exception is getting our car fixed. A foreign car means foreign parts. 

We do have some rules/guidelines for going local. 

1. All food bought must be from the Midwest. That means no chocolate, bananas, or tea.

2. If we choose to go out to eat the restaurant must have locally sourced food items (this does not include Chipotle) and/or be owned by someone who actually lives here.

3. When buying non food related items they must be made in the USA and also bought from a store where the owner actually works.

4. All beer must be from Minnesota or Wisconsin. And thankfully our state has it's own vodka

Think we can do it? I think so.

Do you think you'd make it a whole month?


Anonymous said…
American Crystal Sugar, made from Minnesota sugar beets.
Brooke said…
I was unaware of this. Thanks!

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