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Escape Artist (or How to Make Miraculous Chocolate Macaroons)

Scott has been in California all week visiting his sister and brother, as you may already know. With him gone my day was pretty uneventful. I had decided today that I was going to get things done so not a lot of photos were taken.

Just a progress photo of my strawberry plant that I planted on Easter. I had also started 3 kinds of tomatoes and bell peppers this week. 

For breakfast I had steel cut oats. I know pretty exciting. 

Something unusual did happen today. I had gone out to get groceries and found Peanut soaked from the rain waiting by the door when I got home. I'm not sure how he got out or how long he was gone. He is not actually blurry in this photo as it appears. He had just shaken all the rain off his fur. He has been quite the escape artist lately and may have sprinted out quickly when I left. 

For lunch I just had a mixed green salad and a tangelo. 

For dinner I had ham and chicken jambalaya. My sister and brother-in-law were going to come up Friday night so I planned on making dinner. They couldn't come after all and I was stuck with a meal that feeds an army. 

Peanut was angry at me because I won't let him outside again. Again I was alone so I talked to my cat all day.

I don't want you think I was a bum all day. I actually did all these things.

Ö Hung up solar lights
Ö Got groceries for work
Ö Did laundry
Ö Did dishes
Ö Vacuumed
Ö Changed sheets
Ö Glued earring
Ö Put away pile of stuff at bottom of staircase
Ö Came up with a dinner menu for work
Ö Sent in work hours
Ö Finished watching Emma
Ö Made macaroons
Ö Made breadcrumbs from old bread
Ö Got my sisters birthday present
Ö Picked up stuff around the house
Ö Planted bell pepper seeds

Since today was pretty dullsville I will show you how to make Macaroons.

Miraculous Chocolate Macaroons

6 egg whites
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup agave nectar
1 tbsp vanilla extract
3 cups shredded coconut
1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder

First preheat your oven to 325.

Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper or a silpat. You will definitely want to do this because they are very sticky.

First you need 6 egg whites. I don't like to waste my eggs so I save my egg yolks. I freeze them in ice cube trays so I know how many I have and then I can pop out one at a time.

You can whip the egg whites with the whisk attachment for your mixer or use a hand mixer.

First add a 1/4 teaspoon salt. 

Whip the egg whites until stiff. It should hold its shape pretty well and look like this.

Next add 1/2 cup agave. I've tried these without the agave and it works just as well, although it won't be as sweet.

Next add 1 tablespoon of vanilla.

Then add 3 cups shredded coconut. We just got the bird measuring cups from Urban Outfitters. Aren't they cute?

Lastly add 1 tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa powder.

Fold the ingredients into the egg whites. You want to be careful not to deflate the eggs. The volume will decrease, but it should still be fluffy.

Drop heaping tablespoons onto the prepared pan.

Bake for 10-15 minutes until golden in color.

Let cool and enjoy!


Amanda said…
I never knew you could freeze egg yolks!! Do you do that often?
Brooke said…
Yea I freeze egg whites too. I used to just put them all in a tupperware but then it was too hard to get one egg yolk out when they would freeze together. Then I realized I could just put them individually in ice trays.

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