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With Spring Comes Biking

Whenever daylight savings changes I flip the mattress. (I know I'm a little late)

Every new season I change the duvet cover. 

Scott actually helps me this time. Yup, I'm cool like that.

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I was a little worried we had too much dough so we got out every pan that could be used for muffins.

I was wrong, we only needed two pans.

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By the time we actually eat "breakfast," at least that's what Brooke calls it, Peanut has already finished most of his Organmix. I know, we spoil the little runt. Speaking of Brooke's fascination with breakfast, she will not eat anything that resembles lunch for her first meal of the day. So, even on the laziest Sunday, breakfast comes before lunch.

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As you can see Brooklyn really loved her muffin-fast -- even if it was already 1 p.m.

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While I finish up some dishes Brooke cleans the kitchen. Did you know that Brooke is a cleaning expert (really, she'll clean your house or cook for you. HINT: she's looking for clients). She always spends more time than necessary cleaning things, but that's OK; my pop's just like that. I think her super-cleaning skills are rubbing off on me.

My parents got me a rack for my bike with collapsible baskets for my birthday. I am very excited to have them for future trips to the farmers markets or day trips to Minnehaha Falls for a picnic. 

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 It took over an hour to put this thing together. I'm quickly becoming a regular handyman; between fixing bikes, cutting blinds (check back for my Ikea blind cutting post later this week) and repairing faucets, I may just equal papa Romenesko's home repair skills someday.

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The finished product looks pretty spiffy.

Now that it's warmer out we keep our back doors open to our back porch. Peanut loves that he can look out different windows and anxiously waits for the door to open so he can sprint outside. 

My garden is slowly starting to show. The dead thing in front here is our Christmas wreath that we are waiting to use in our compost this summer.

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Once I've finished assembling her new bike rack we head for Northeast: home to yummy sausage, lots of bars and all the yupsters (yuppy-cum-hipster; not to be confused with the hipster plague of South Minneapolis) the world could want.

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We had BIG plans to pick up some sausage for dinner and have lunch at Kramarczuk's. We arrived 10 minutes too late.

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We then headed to the nearest grocery store, Lund's, to get our meat plus some grits and hominy.

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The M-i-s-s-i-pp-i is filled to the brim. With the top five snowfall total this year, all of Minnesota's rivers are cresting. Usually the waterfall above drops a decent distance, but right now it's swollen like a twisted ankle. The real waterfall just a few hundred yards down the river is thunderous.

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After crossing the river we finally eat lunch at 5 p.m. Killer B and I each get a slice of pizza from our old haunt, Pizza Luce.  Most people would call that dinner, but in the Tuska-Romenesko household 3 meals a day (plus a few healthy snacks and a daily bike ride) keep the doctor away ... or maybe it's our lack of health insurance. 

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Brooke finds these sweet tats just as we're about to leave.
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It was getting late and I was afraid of getting too cold so we headed home.

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On the way to The Queen we meandered through the Northside. Where else would you find the last two telephone booths in the Twin Cities and beautiful old homes?

(P.S. We'd love if you bought one of these. Our street is already very nice and could use a few more friendly faces. The first one would cost less than $300 a month with taxes and insurance.)

Scott prepared dinner...
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Brooke eats it...

Meanwhile I made our granola for the week. I gave up cereal last summer after Scott had been telling me for years to stop eating it. If you read the ingredient list on a box of cereal there are a lot of unpronounceable words on it. I like knowing what I'm eating, so, by making my own cereal I know what goes in it and I can create my own.

We then head to bed and read.

Reading makes you sleepy.


Blake said…
Did you get your new lens?
Amanda said…
You guys are so funny. You must so look forward to Sundays to just hang out. Wouldn't it be nice to do whatever you wanted every day? I would LOVE that. I think I would enjoy cooking more often. The pizza looked really good. We'll have to go have some of that along with Matt's Bar when Jeff and I eventually come visit you guys. Question: Who is Killer Bee? ;)

I was pretty pumped to see that you said look for a blog 'later this week'...does that mean you guys are considering blogging a little more often? Looking forward to the next! :)
Katrina said…
I think this one is the best yet (the photos are especially amazing)! I love this thing. It's better than most tv shows. Maybe because it features my brother and future sister. I make homemade granola too - I use recipes from the Mark Bittman cookbook you 2 got me for xmas 2009. Miss you guys.
Blake: I did get my lens. It's a tank. check it out on my flickr page.

Amanda: Brooke is Killer Bee. I used to call her this a lot. At first it was an accident, but then it kind of stuck.

I do want to blog more often. Brooke thinks her weekday life is too boring, but I do a lot of fun housework.

Katie Kat: When you visit here in summer we'll have to get you all our wonderful granola recipes.
emma. said…
How come we never hang out on Sundays?
Blake said…
I could tell you got a new lens. Wow! What a difference!
brooke said…
Blake: Actually he got his new lens on Monday so this next post will have even more amazing photos.

Emma: We do need to hang out on Sundays so you and Olive can be included. And Tyler of course.
Chelsea said…
Why do you have french fries in your granola?

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