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Grand Rounds National Scenic Byway

Yesterday Scott and I biked this.

That's a wopping 41 miles around the city. It has been my goal all summer to do the whole thing and I did it. I got to see parts of the city I had never seen before. I'm glad Scott likes biking as much as I do.

I've been working more, but I still seem to be short on money. I need to win the lottery or get a third job. It feels weird not going to school this fall. For the first time since I was 3 I won't have homework. I'm kind of disappointed in a way. I wish I could go to school, taking a semester off was a bad idea. I'm going to be in school til I'm 30.


Anonymous said…
well i hope to get my Phd so im goina be in school till Im 35ish!

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