Always our night owl staying up late to read books.

We love you Meadow!
Here are Meadow's answers this year.
How old are you? 11
What is your favorite color? Teal, purple and some pinks
What is your favorite animal? Cat and axolotl
What is your favorite book? Warriors and Hooky
What is your favorite TV show? She-ra, Bluey
What is your favorite movie? All of the Ghibli Studio movies
What is your favorite song? I don't really listen to songs. I like podcasts better.
What is your favorite food? Pizza
What is your favorite drink? Root beer and Sprite
What is your favorite breakfast food? Crepes and big pancakes and waffles and parfaits and cereal. That's mostly it.
What is your favorite snack? Anything in the cupboard that I like.
What is your favorite outfit? Dresses
What is your favorite game? Miitopia and Tears of the Kingdom. Oh and Cat Tails.
What is your favorite toy? If I had to play with a toy right now I would...does art count as toys?
Who is your best friend? Saraphina
What is your favorite thing to do? Read and swim. Watch tv. Do art.
What is your favorite thing to do outside? Swing. Go on ziplines at the playground.
What is your favorite holiday? My Birthday!
What do you like to take to bed with you at night? Fluffy and Whiskers and Gingerbread and Kankoshi.
Where is your favorite place to go? Boba tea stores, book stores, cottage, hotels with pools
What is your favorite restaurant? Cat cafe
Where do you want to go on vacation? Japan
What do you want to be when you grow up? A librarian. Or own a bookshop and bakery.
What did you do on your birthday? Sleepover