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Another (Careful) Covid-19 Cottage Visit

Another trip back to the cottage. This time we picked up tamales as we were leaving Minneapolis. We stopped in Turtle Lake to eat said tamales. 

The park had a tiny playground that consisted of a slide and merry ground.

There's a bigger and newer one nearby, but this would do.

You have to say hello to the lake when you arrive.

Hello, Lake.

Chelsea had left some presents for the kids. Meadow got fairy dust for the fire, a mystery Barbie and mermaid embroidery kit.

Theo got some books and a Three Lakes shirt. He was more interested in the rubber duckie my dad got from work.

The next morning we tried out the mystery Barbie. You dip the doll in warm water to reveal what she looks like.

Pretty cool.

Papa, I can't see. I'm trying to drive the boat.

Dude loves his sandbox.

Ruth joined Blake for the weekend.

We spent another day outside. I'm also loving this swimsuit. Less sunscreen and no more burnt shoulders. I also hope it means less moles removed.

We took a swimming break for margaritas and chips.

Meadow kept on asking for this farm thingy.

Someday Brooke won't look this good in a swimsuit. That day is not today. You look great, Killer Bee.

There was still bubbles leftover from Meadow's birthday last year.

We didn't get a chance to do a real grocery run before coming up. But between the stuff already at the cottage, the few things we brought and my tortilla making abilities, we had dinner.

After spending the day power washing, dad took us on a sunset cruise on the lakes.

Look, the sun looks like Brooke's eyes.

I love my Theo. Also check out Meadow's new Barbie. 

His favorite thing in life is feeling the breeze through his hair.

He adores pontoon rides.

Good night, Three Lakes.

We spent another perfect, albeit hot, summer day swimming. 

It rarely gets hot up here even on the lake, but today felt warm. It still beats the city heat.

Blake was more adventurous. He took out the sail boat and disappeared for a while.

Theo suddenly loves swimming with his floatie. The past few times we swam he didn't like it when he couldn't touch the bottom. But little dude was kicking his way around the dock.

That's my boy and my sailboat.

We decided to have a grill out on the island. 

There's an island a few lakes away on the chain, that you can use during the day. No camping allowed.

There may be an official name for this place, but we just call it The Island.

There was a COVID party at the sandbar.

Be careful, you're down wind.

The rain was holding off and we were enjoying the perfect almost secret lake island grill out.

Theo just wants buns these days. 

Suddenly the skies got dark and the boats disappeared. We rushed home but the storm wouldn't come until 1 am...

Not cool, mother nature.

I cleaned out the car this weekend and when we put Theo's seat back in we decided he was ready to sit forward facing. 

He sure is growing up quick.

He fell asleep reading books. 


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