Little Theodore has got his own personality. He lets you know what he wants and when he doesn't like something.
Our little peanut is 34" tall and weighs 24 lbs.

He loves being outside, playing in his kitchen, helping us cook, building with magnatiles (Picasso Tiles) and Mama.
I think he also loves papa.
His favorite book is Pete the Cat and he loves everything Meadow likes. Pink, sparkles and nail polish.
He'll still eat anything we feed him, but he loves fruit.
He's great at communicating despite only being able to say a few words like baby, mama, papa, hi.
He's a late sleeper like Meadow. We're very lucky.
No, Theo you're not quite ten, yet.
Since Theo still can't talk yet, here are his answers by Meadow
Our little peanut is 34" tall and weighs 24 lbs.

He loves being outside, playing in his kitchen, helping us cook, building with magnatiles (Picasso Tiles) and Mama.
I think he also loves papa.
His favorite book is Pete the Cat and he loves everything Meadow likes. Pink, sparkles and nail polish.
He'll still eat anything we feed him, but he loves fruit.
He's great at communicating despite only being able to say a few words like baby, mama, papa, hi.
He's a late sleeper like Meadow. We're very lucky.
No, Theo you're not quite ten, yet.
Since Theo still can't talk yet, here are his answers by Meadow
How old is Theo? 2
What is his favorite color? Blue
What is his favorite animal? Birds. When Theo was in Mexico City he was pointing to a lot of birds
What is his favorite book? Mommy Hugs
What is his favorite TV show? He watches any show.
What is his favorite movie? I think it was the Jungle Book.
What is his favorite song? Baby Shark
What is his favorite food? Mac and Cheese. Everything!
What is his favorite drink? He likes any drink.
What is his favorite breakfast food? Cereal
What is his favorite snack? Anything, I mean apples.
What is his favorite outfit? I don't know
What is his favorite game? hide and seek
What is his favorite toy? Magnatiles
Who is his best friend? Me (Meadow)
What is his favorite thing to do? climb up the bunk bed and build forts with me
What is his favorite thing to do outside? play with me. play with Papa.
What is his favorite holiday? He was really happy on Valentines Day.
What does Theo like to take to bed with him at night? Blue boo and blankie
Where is his favorite place to go? Cottage
What is his favorite restaurant? Noodles. He loves mac and cheese.
Where does he want to go on vacation? New York City
What does he want to be when he grows up? Maybe a construction worker because he builds a lot of toys that are from the magnatiles.
What did he do on his birthday? Went to Sushi Train