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A Late Fall Bike Ride

We needed to go grocery shopping, but luckily we had some pancake mix leftover from our camping days.

We used our Nordic Ware pancake pans that feature funny shapes. You might be able to spot an emoji or three.

Meadow cleaned the living room so she could watch tv. She did this without asking, which was sweet, but we had plans.

Today was supposed to be in the 40's. I figured this was our last day to get in a bike ride. By the time Snow White got ready, we were ready to go.

I thought Brooke was crazy wanting to ride bikes, but I wasn't going to get any rides in any time soon.

When the sun came out it felt warm.

We decided to bike over to Minnehaha Falls and hike around there.

We made it all the way to falls and temp suddenly dropped.

It was a lot colder at this point and we were now ready for lunch.

We let the kids play first.

I let the kids play and Brooke begrudgingly agreed.

Poor little brother.

She would not stop.

Has to do everything Meadow does.

We decided to eat at Fat Lorenzo's and headed that way.

Meadow was ready for some 'za.

Theo suddenly decided he was too big for the high chair.

We drew pictures while waiting for our pizza pie.

I forgot how good their pizza is.

Big floppy crust is so underrated these days.

I had originally thought we'd bike over to St. Paul and get some ice cream over at Izzy's, but we never made it there. Meadow was sad about that, so she got some super chocolaty gelato at Fat Lorenzo's.

We headed back just before dark and watched Wreck It Ralph on Disney +.

Not a bad Fall day.


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