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Closing the Cottage 2019

You could say we go to two places too much: the cottage and Culver's. Turns out the kids had enough kids meals to get a prize, a kickball, this time.

Meadow was off school so I took a day off so we could enjoy going to the cottage one last time before New Year's. 

Theo loved kicking and passing it around.


My mom told us to eat up all the food at the cottage since they would be closing up soon. Except the first few things I ate were expired!

The pizza was so bad.

Before Brooke's rents were here we had a day by ourselves. I got in some fishing without any luck.

Meadow and I gathered leaves to make a rainbow.

I also worked on making Meadow's crown for Halloween.

Meadow wanted to glue her leaves on paper to save them.

Those are real leaves folks.

We had homemade gorditas for dinner.

The next morning we were back out exploring the woods and lakeshore.

Theo loves the sandbox.

And just being outside.

Our kids love to swing.

Theo tried, but couldn't quite get up the ladder. Next year he'll be up there.

And we were back to swinging.

Back to the sandbox.

Theo has his favorite cottage wood haunts.

I found a princess puzzle in the closet. Of course Meadow had to try.

We played frisbee until my parents showed up.

Hey, look it's Mr. Mike and G.G.

Theo was so confused that they were here.

My parents stopped at Fleet Farm on their way up and picked up a Toyland catalog. Meadow circled a million things. 

Today was a nice day so I said we should go to Michigan to see Bond Falls. The entrance is already closed off this time of year so we had to walk in.

The kids were excited for the waterfall, but the wagon ride was worth the drive.

Meadow was excited to see all the red leaves.

There it is Bond Falls. At long last.

We had talked about going for years. I definitely want to come back in the winter and snowshoe in.

Mr. Independent wants to climb the rocks himself.

In fact, everyone played on the rocks.

Especially Mr. Mike.

When we thought we'd seen the entire falls, we rounded the corner and the second half appeared.


It was really cool to see.

We climbed up the hill to see from the top. It was from up here that we noticed there was an actual path on the other side. 

Apparently it was warm according to Meadow.

We made it to the top to a little picnic area. We also realized we were right by where we parked. My dad went back down to get the wagon and brought the van over.

Above the falls was a dam and behind that a giant lake. The lake has multiple campsites including a few on an island.

A map showed that there was another waterfall not to far from here. Next time.

We were heading back through Land O' Lakes, so we settled on the Gateway Lodge for fish fry and drinks.

Mr Never-Wants-To-Sit-Still.

The bar is worth the drive.

And the dining room is something.

This place was very popular among celebrities in the 1940's and 50's. 

I know I said a few weeks back that cod isn't that good, but somehow this cod was much better than Honeybear.

Someday we have to stay here.

Theo is the new Meadow. The king of the swing.

He would have loved our sandbox at our old house.

The forecast called for rain so I suggested we get in a quick hike beforehand. We took my parents back to Sam Campbell Trail.

We had to take G.G. and grandpa.

It was a much better hike with no bugs.

The interpretive signs really make this hike a great one. You learn a lot about Northwoods' forests and trees that inhabit it.

Theo walked on his own for while. We finally let him hike as long as he wanted. 

Soon it started drizzling and got colder.

We'll have to boat here again.

We went on the same trail as last time, next time we have to take the other path. Now I want to come back again with snowshoes.

Too bad we don't have back country skis.

With Mike getting a bit older, I took over the brute work, removing the dock from the water.

It's time for us to learn since we'll being taking over some day.

You may be learning, Brooke. I've been helping for years.

 Even with the dock out, we took a quick boat ride.

I stayed back to watch the Packers.

 I guess the fall colors were even better last week.

Silly fella.

I spy Theo. 

As soon as we got home, Theo was back to cooking in his kitchen. One of these days we'll call the health inspector on him.


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