While at my parents we took home my old skateboard. After picking up some knee pads for Meadow she was ready to learn.
Look at this cool dudette.
Theo too.
She suddenly gets "tired" and has to go to the playground instead.
We went over to Meadow's school playground a lot at the end of summer. It's even closer than the park down the street.
Every summer we try to get a camping trip in with Brent and Shannyn. This year we went to the Sand Dunes State Forest. They arrived early and scored us a spot.
Brent's always gets the fire going and brings his epic camp setup.
They also made us dinner.
These kids were getting pretty crazy on the hammocks.

Kid loves corn. I cut it up for him first, but he insisted on eating off the cob.
He knows that corn ON the cob is the only way.
Theo always finds trucks to play with.
These two always have such a good time.
We don't generally do fires when we camp. Meadow was loving that she got to have s'mores.
It's our biggest camping faux pas.
It's our biggest camping faux pas.
We were going to sit around the fire together, but the kids didn't want to go to bed.
The next morning the forecast called for rain all day so we ended our trip early.
Oatmeal cups for us.
Since it was early we decided to head to the Minneapolis Farmers Market.
Still our favorite place to go to on a Sunday in Minneapolis.
Still our favorite place to go to on a Sunday in Minneapolis.
Anytime there's balloon animals Meadow has to get one.
Well, duh.
Well, duh.