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We Go to the Anoka County Fair

Theo was here.

Tyler is currently staying with us for a short while while he transistions back to the area.

Scott had to work in the northern suburbs today so we tagged along. This meant more playground for the kids.

I suppose I'm a kid too.

You always have to be watching for this little dude.

The other day another kid pushed him off the playground. Thankfully the playground was all sand.

Since we were close to Anoka we checked out the Anoka County Fair. It costs almost as much to get in as the State Fair, but you get free parking and free admission to the grandstand shows.

It was too early for ice cream, but we'd be back. 

We were already hungry for lunch. Meadow spotted corn.

It's never too early for corn on the cob. Too bad it wasn't a buck like up in Grand Rapids.

It was hot today.

Meadow insisted on rides right away.

We actually ate tater tot poutine before this, but I guess no pics so it never happened

Sorry Theo, no rides for kids under 2.

Theo would have to a lot of watching today.

Meadow wanted to go on a ride called the Tarantula.

I was going to go, but I decided that 33-year-old Scott can't handle rides like this. More so my stomach.

She liked it at first then thought it was too scary. Nice job trying Meadow.

 This was more my size. One kiddo couldn't handle it so when he got off we got an extra ride.

We took a break from rides to get out of the sun.

The art and 4-h buildings are always some of the best parts of a good county or state fair.

Lots of bunnies.

We watched cattle judging for awhile.

I also thought I lost a lens. I guess I didn't.

Meadow loved these little tractors.

Theo did too, even though he couldn't go anywhere.

Then they discovered the bubble machine.

Inside the school house kids could enter a coloring contest. For some reason they gave Meadow a really detailed sheet. We should have done this first when it was really hot.

Theo and I went over to watch this completely rebuilt sawmill.

They were having issues and making everyone squeamish by going down below the massive saw.

They couldn't get it going. So, we went back to check on Meadow's status.

Still working on it.

And she finally finished.

Wasn't sure what the purple ground was about, but this couldn't be much better. She's definitely her mother's daughter.

I brought the Ergo for Theo to take a nap in, but he was too busy watching everything to nap. I couldn't believe he was still awake.

We went on a few more rides before the ATV show at the grandstand.

They finished up on the Berry-Go-Round.

Since it was getting late we decided we might as well stay for the Grandstand show.

I think it was because I wanted to get some drone shots.

Tonights show was the Big Air ATV Tour (and BMX bikes) show.

Theo was going to dig this.

I somehow got a bunch of pictures when they weren't doing tricks. Ha.

Theo was getting crabby so we had to leave.

But then we heard something cool happening so we came back.

Meadow loved this show. Maybe she's a country gal.

One last snack before leaving.

Until next year county fairs.


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