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A Roseau to Winnipeg and Back Workcation: USA, USA!

Way back in January I got an email from the owner of the AmericInn up in Roseau, Minnesota. He had won my silent auction entry at the Explore Minnesota Tourism Conference. Seven months later we were set to come up and shoot the hotel and around town for Go & Explore Roseau.

Meadow has been begging to go to McDonalds. "But I've only been there once" she'd say. I finally caved on our drive to Roseau.

We opted for burritos instead.

Sanchez Burritos in Little Falls.

Lunch and playground break.

Sweet swingset Little Falls.

Before we could move on Meadow and I had to find a bathroom. We ended up at a very empty church. Kind of spooky.

We decided to bring our bikes along on this trip, which was a good choice.

We had to drive all the way up to Roseau in one day because I had to finish up some aerial 360 work
in between this trip and the previous shoot up in Duluth.

While driving through Akeley we had to stop to see Paul.

My dudes in the hand of the OG dude.

Nothing funny about this. It was totally worth the shot.

We tested out the selfie holder. Also a rare family photo.

I do exist.

We briefly toured the history museum next door and used their potty.

Meadow insisted that I put her inside of Paul's crib.

I wanted to stop somewhere along Lower Red Lake, but Brooke had taken over the wheel. The reservation and the lake felt so isolated. 

We went almost a half hour of seeing no people or cars. 

Snacks. Activities. That's how you keep the kids going on long trips. That's it.

Random wayside playground close to Roseau.

We were in too much of rush to let Meadow play.

As soon as we checked into the hotel we got on our bikes in search of dinner.

We biked all the way across town on the main street.

We ended up at Earl's Drive-In.

The strawberry shake hit the spot.

I opted for the Lo-Boy. It's a local institution featuring a slice of Canadian bacon, of course.

Theo approves.

The town had a few bike trails and one went right by a big splash pad.

This town was turning out to be better than I had thought.

It's situated just to the west of the big pine forests that Stretch from Michigan to Canada. It's in that sliver of land that is hardwood forest and straddles on the northern prairie. The town itself is quaint. Not really like any other Minnesota city we've been to.

Meadow couldn't stop herself.

 The next day after spending most of our day inside the hotel while Theo napped, we eventually made it outside for a bike ride. Did you know Roseau is home to Polaris? I didn't.

It's their birthplace and home to one of their largest factories. The HQ moved down to Medina near Minneapolis years ago. During each shift change you'd see Polaris RZR's racing home in the streets.

We played at the splash pad until Scott met up with us.

I had been busy shooting 360s all over town.

Then back on our bikes to explore.

I wasn't expecting all the bike trails.

I had found out about all of the best places in town. I spent the morning with the director of the visitors bureau before shooting.

We biked over the Roseau River quite a few times.

Another playground for the kids. Of course they had a play Polaris Rzr.

We all had to try.

Theo likes all the driving playground equipment.

We swear we never forced any of this on either Meadow or Theo. Meadow just digs princesses and Theo loves cars. Though his true love is his play kitchen.

While Scott did some more shots we rode farther down the trail. It takes you to this beautiful prairie.

There's also a  mountain biking hill, cheekily called Roseau Mountain, that feels like something out of southwest Minnesota.

Then back to find dinner.

I love a town with a good grain elevator.

We ate at at Brickhouse Restaurant & Bar, which didn't disappoint.

Theo recently discovered his love of ketchup.

Then we had to bike on back to the AmericInn.

Why not stop for ice cream next door to our hotel.

Dairy Queen will do, I suppose.

 Every morning the kids were not happy about getting up early to go to breakfast.

Papa was already busy photographing the hotel.

When Scott was done with his work we took a day trip up to Warroad.

It's just down the road. So, why not.

We ended up at Izzy's Lounge. This being Hockeytown USA, it was decked out in hockey paraphernalia.

Meadow wanted to listen to some Jenny Lewis. We told her we had to wait until we got back in the car.

This kid would not stop eating the dips.

I feel like we can finally say we've seen every corner of Minnesota. Warroad is situated right on Lake of the Woods. It's the 6th largest freshwater lake partially in the states.

It had poured while we were eating and then the skies started to clear up.

There was a massive rainbow. By the time I got to the water it was already gone.

There's something very Minnesotan about massive desolate lakes.

More playgrounds.

This one was pretty rad.


Then we decided to stop at Lake of the Woods Brewery. Only days later would we realize that it was actually founded on the other side of Lake of the Woods in Kenora, Ontario. This was their second location.

We started inside with a flight. Meadow was disappointed they didn't have root beer.

Theo kept touching the grease on the stools so we moved ourselves outside.

We checked out the river and the big old boats that folks use in these parts. Clearly things get a bit choppy out on the big lake.

When we returned we biked to one last playground.

Meadow was having the vacation of a lifetime.


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