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2018 A Year In Review

2018 had its ups and downs. We celebrated births, weddings, a new school year and lost a member of our family.

January - We sold our first house and downsized to a 900 sqft condo. 

I was nervous about the closing throughout the holidays. Being self-employed makes getting a loan that much harder. Surprisingly everything went pretty smoothly and before you knew it we had a condo full of boxes. 

February - Theodore Jeffrey came into the world.

When Meadow came into the world we had no expectations of what parenthood was going to be all about. After Brooke brought our little guy into the world, I struggled a bit. Nearly a year later I can't believe I had any doubts. Theo's such a bundle of joy.

March - We lost a great man due to a battle of lung cancer.

My dad's health was deteriorating quickly after the holidays. We couldn't come and see him until after Brooke gave birth. We arrived just days before my dad would pass away. He cradled tiny Theo into his arms on the last night we got to speak to him. Over the next few days I sat by his side with my mom as he slipped away. I love you dad.

April - We celebrated Colin and Jen's wedding in Chicago

Colin and Jen had just moved to Chicago in the fall and it was wonderful to see these two tie the knot. We know dad was looking over us all.

May - We spent my last few weeks of maternity leave at the cottage watching the ice melt.

Putting on a pair waders and smashing the receding ice was so cathartic.

June - We spent Meadow's 5th birthday at Bay Beach.

This was going to be her last birthday before Kindergarten started. She's grown up so much.

July - We spent our last Hipcamp camping with friends on the river.

I may not be photographing for Hipcamp any longer, but we know we'll be using up all those credits over the next year or two. I'm happy we could have a great weekend with Anna, her new beau and the kids.

August - We spent some time in the Boundary Waters for a workcation.

Brooke always asks me if I like working on our vacations. I think it works out pretty well. We get paid to be on vacation, Brooke and the kids get some time to themselves and we go on an epic adventure or five.

September - Meadow started kindergarten. 

Wait, wasn't she just a newborn?

October - We celebrated Halloween as the Justice League.

Family costumes are the best. 

November - Geocaching in Duluth. Our new favorite game.

Or is it our favorite new, old game. It came back with a vengeance this year.

December - Celebrated all things Christmas in Duluth.

How else could we wrap up the year?

Things We Hoped To Accomplish in 2018


1. First of all would be having a baby in February. I did! Theo was born on February 18.

2. Finish visiting all the Minnesota Historical Society Sites. In the last 2 years we saw 25 of the 26. Someday we will get to that last one.

3. Take baby camping. We took him a couple times.

4. I say this every year, but maybe with our new lifestyle I will have time for this. Make at least one photo book. I made two! A book of faces for Theo and Meadow's favorites of 2018.  I thought I would get more out during my maternity leave, but that clearly didn't happen.

5. I'm going to try this again. Improve flexibility, especially after the baby comes. I started doing more stretches and yoga, but I'm still no where near where I'd like to be.

6. I did this a few years ago and I think I need to focus on this again. Eat less sugar. It took me until going on antibiotics to start thinking about it.


1. Go on more bike rides. I didn't get nearly as much biking in as I'd like to have. With the Hipcamp camping trips and getting the house ready we were pretty busy. Welp. Apparently a baby isn't conducive to bike riding. On the bright side we're getting a Yuba cargo bike very soon and Theo will soon be big enough for bike rides.

2. Try to spend time with the Tuska clan even if my mom and pops are a bit further away. I never would've thought that my dad would be gone just over two months after I wrote those words. I did get to spend the last few days with my dad. I also got to spend quality time with my mom and we witnessed by broham's wedding.

3. Try to increase my freelance income by 25%. I can do this, no question. I actually increased my income by 33%!

4. Go on many walks with our new baby and Meadow. We definitely went on a lot more walks this year. Lots of walks to the Rose Garden, Lake Harriet, nearby restaurants and more than a few playgrounds.

5. Go on at least two Hipcamp road trips. Babies love camping. Life got in the way and my Field Scout gig came to an end. Don't worry, we just replaced it with more trips to the Northwoods.

6. Eat fewer casino buffets. Or maybe more. I'm not sure. My belly says more. My mind says never enough.


1. Make chocolate chip cookies with mama. She did! We made chocolate chip cookies together when Theo was a few weeks old.

Things We Hope to Accomplish in 2019

1. Buy less clothing and start making more of my own. I'm still new at sewing and hopefully I can improve this year.
2. Eat less sugar. I think our whole family could do this. Start having treats as actual treats and not a fourth meal.
3. I've brought this up in previous years, but hike/camp the Superior Hiking Trail. Since learning that we can take the trail from Blake's house to his land I think it could be doable. 
4. Go on a bike camping trip. We plan to get a cargo bike this year so I'm excited for the adventures we will have with it.
5. Improve flexibility. I'd like to be able to touch my toes by the end of the year. 
6. Take advantage of our Enhanced Driver's License and take a trip to Canada.
7. Make a point to exercise everyday. Go for more walks, do yoga or even play Wii Fit.


1. Make it to all four corners of Minnesota for work or play.
2. Visit my mom and sister (and her fam) in Michigan at least once.
3. Expand my business another 25 year over year. I can see it already.
4. Bike ride everywhere on our new cargo bike or my city cruiser.
5. Go fishing with Meadow and Theo at least 6 times this year. That cargo bike is going to be perfect for Lake Harriet fishing adventures.
6. Lose 15 pounds. Daddy's gotta get rid of this newborn weight.

1. Make a pie.


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