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Another Romenesko Christmas

With Scott's family being 6 plus hours away we decided to stay a little closer this year and have Christmas with my family.

When I woke up I was offered an omelet and Spam. I'd never ate Spam. I was afraid, but I persevered. It actually tastes a lot like canned corned beef in loaf form.

I woke up not feeling so great and returned back to bed.

So Theo, Meadow, Grandpa and I watched Christmas movies and played all day.

At some point Meadow came back from her cousins with a "sleigh" that she'd built with Aunt Chelsea. 

My dad pretended to be Santa and Meadow Rudolph.

After laying around all day Blake eventually showed up.

G.G. said she was making us lasagna. I didn't realize she meant the frozen variety. It was still good.

Meadow found a giant boxing glove in the basement and proceeded to punch grandpa.

Meadow asked to sleep in her sleigh.

And she did for the rest of the Christmas weekend.

Good morning Theo.

The cousins were coming over to decorate cookies. Brittany had borrowed all of my moms cutters so what we had left was the giant gingerbread man.

Gail had picked up pre-made sugar cookies, but I thought we ought to have some gingerbread cookies too. So, I made these giant ones.

As kids my mom always made us reindeer sandwiches. I carried on the tradition and made one for Meadow.

Meadow only ate the reindeer ornamentation.

I also made gingerbread bears and a few stars.

Brooke and I didn't know what kind of frosting went on Christmas cookies, so Blake took over.

Each kid made a giant gingerbread man or woman.

Theo watched and sneezed on his cousins every once and a while.

These kids all did their own thing and then got bored.

So the parents took over.

The cookies were pretty creative this year. I had to pass on decorating so I wouldn't pass on my germs.

Blake and Chelsea brought their a-game.

I wasn't nearly as succesful, but I did come up with the idea for egg nog frosting.

The adults had too much fun making the last few cookies.

This was my attempt at a Mojo Jojo cookie.

Then I made a broccoli fettuccine for the stragglers. 

Even Theo joined us for dinner.

After dinner we went over to the "North Pole."

I thought we were just going to drive around and look at Christmas lights on people's houses.

It turned out it was like a mini-Bentleyville in some guys yard.

Some of the displays looked like they came from Macy's old Santaland.

A new family photo.

Hey, the Gostisha's showed up.

Next we drove around looking at the best light displays in the Fox Valley. This house had the best Christmas tree lights.

At one point some jerk skipped Gail in line and tried passing us. I gave them a light display of my own with my taillights. Suckers.
I then stayed up late making chocolate truffles for Christmas Eve.

Where are the Oreo truffles?

On Christmas Eve we were supposed to go to church. Nolan, Marina and Harvey were singing as a part of the service. Mr. Mike, G.G. and Blake left and Brooke was getting ready. By the time we left Chelsea texted us saying the church was full. Whoops.

I also hadn't showered and still wasn't feeling great.

After laying in bed all day I cleaned up and made it to my aunt and uncle's house for the Christmas party.

Of course there was plenty of booze and fluff.

Theo was making his way around the whole place.

And don't forget about the cheesy potatoes. At least they're predictable.

My dad brought glasses that make all the lights turn into snowmen.

Eventually we got Meadow to sit down and eat after she was done crafting.

It's always been a tradition to have the children sing Happy Birthday to Jesus.

Meadow was excited for Jesus' cake.

Oh, G.G. was there. She tends to disappear since she talks to all 100 nieces and nephews (I might have exaggerated).

Meadow and Marina found the toy room.

The snowman glasses got passed around and were a big hit.

Theo looked so darling.

Of course Blake had to finish his famous cinnamon rolls before bed.

Before going to bed Meadow insisted on putting out cookies and milk for Santa.

How else is the guy going to have the energy to go to all those homes.

Don't worry, the old fashioned was for Gail and not Santa.

Santa came!

He is risen. Oh, wait, wrong holiday. They are risen.

A few days later Marina noshed on her gingerbread dude.

Marina and Nolan already had a few presents from the morning.

Then the gift opening commenced.

Both Nolan and Meadow were excited to get new shoes this year.

My own complete collection of Laura Ingalls books.

Blake made my parents a stained glass of our lake.

Dan got 20 bucks.

Meadow and Theo got the big present. A play diner.

We gifted my dad his own drone.

Chelsea was most excited for red vines.

My mom got the perfect ice skates.

Chelsea had a bear made from my grandparents old clothes.

Then the kids had to find the pickle hidden in the tree.

Nolan won and got a giant KitKat.

Before we left we downed some ham sandwiches and a few other fixings.

We left Meadow with my parents and headed home.

On our drive home we had Christmas dinner at Jade Garden in Eau Claire.

Where else does one eat on Christmas day?

It felt a little strange having only one kid.

Merry Christmas, folks.


Anonymous said…
Great photos! I wanted to see the diner toy. Such creative gifts for everyone. How long did meadow stay?


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