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A Minneapolis Farmers Market Visit and Not Much Else

Since having a farmers market in our neighborhood we haven't been to the big Minneapolis one all summer.

Meadow's also been getting braver at paying for things she wants.

We missed you Minneapolis Farmer's Market.

We picked up a lot of things on this trip.

We start every summer and fall grocery run by getting produce from one of the farmer's markets. Now that I had all the veggies we would need for more than a week I could figure out our meals for the next week or more.

One of the things we picked up at the market was this giant donut.

Meadow wanted her own and complained the whole way home. Once we were home she all about a piece of the big donut.

Theo was mad that he didn't get any. We ate the whole thing in one sitting.

Meadow and I decided to have a little daddy-daughter craft time. We did some watercolors together.

Then we bummed around the house all day.

I think Meadow and Theo watched Toy Story 2 for the fifth time in a a few weeks.

Little buddy loves when he does get to eat.

For dinner we had BLTs from our farmer's market finds.

We ended the night watching Toy Story 3.

I thought we'd never seen this one, but it turns out Brooke and I had watched years ago. At least Meadow was super excited about it.


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