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4th of 2017

With all the time I've taken off already I didn't take any additional time off for 4th of July. That meant we didn't leave until Friday after work. Actually this worked out in our favor because most people left early so traffic was great.

We also got to stop at dive along the route for a Friday Fish Fry.

We always drive through the 10-second-town of Poskin thinking it had nothing in it. As we were driving by I saw a family come out of this dive bar, the Coach Bar, with to-go containers.

I noticed their sign said Friday Night Fish Fry. So we thought we would give it a try. I had no idea it was an actual restaurant.

I always just assumed Brooke wasn't that into dive bar food.

Why, yes, I will have cottage cheese with my fish and a glass of Leine's. This turned out to be good and cheap. The Coach Bar will definitely be added to our list of places to stop on Wisconsin's US Highway 8.

We really need to write a book about the hidden gems we find along Highway 8.

 Since Meadow refused to eat at the restaurant she had her fish in the car.

We arrived late to the cottage and gave Mr. Mike his present. This year we got him some Mepp's.

With everyone coming up this year we split up cooking days. Chelsea had Saturday and made biscuits and gravy.

Meadow got some birthday gifts from my sister that she refused to open. So, Harvey did it for her. Chelsea got her a new purple dress, a Meno book and bike spoke decorations.

I brought along our giant bubble stuff and it was a hit.

Then we decided to go for a bike ride with Blake and Zissou.

Since Meadow started riding a pedal bike I haven't had a chance to ride bikes with her. We were about to go when my dad came down the driveway with Blake's truck. I told her to look out and she panicked and decided she was done.

I took Harvey for a ride instead.

When we got back Nolan and Meadow were already swimming.

 While everyone else played by the water Blake, Chelsea and I went to town to visit the Three Lakes Historical Museum. With my Minnesota Historical Society Membership I also get free or discounted admission to hundreds of museums around the country. Including the Three Lakes museum. 

I was excpecting a tiny one room cabin, but as soon as we arrived we were taken on a tour of one of the original settlers homes next door. The home started in this room as a one room house, but then they kept expanding over the years.

 In another building was more local history. Skip Wagner is pretty famous around these parts. I had no idea he did lots murals and sign painting around the town.

 I suppose snowmobiling is a pretty big deal around here too.

 There were actual several buildings of exhibits on the property.

 When we walked up to the school house Blake said, I remember their being a creepy teacher in here. And she's still here.

So Drury Lane used to be Drewry Lane?

These cabins that were once part of the Northernaire. (The only original buildings left of the resort) Sadly they haven't been kept up and a few are for sale. I really hope someone fixes them up instead of tears them done for some oversized new construction cabin.

Brayden was busy fishing and I suggested we canoe out to a better spot.

When we reached the bay that's always a hot spot, Brayden almost immediately caught his first pike. A little tiger musky, in fact!

Everyone wanted to take a turn with the super bubbles.

Since we had to leave early on the 4th of July we were going to miss the fireworks. Dan invited us to his family's land where the town was having fireworks that night.  We took some random National Forest roads before we suddenly came upon the small town of Newald.

It was a short drive through the national forest.

The ATV was very popular.

Dan's family were all playing yard games and there was plenty of beer to go around.

It started pouring so we hid out on the screen porch eating snacks.

Ah taco dip. People in Wisconsin get it.

This was gone as soon as it came out.

Keeping their cookies in the air so the dogs wouldn't steal it from them.

Then the Gostisha's started to fry homemade chips, wings and egg rolls.

There was a lot of food.

Each time a batch was finished everyone would gather around.

We all ate a lot of wings and egg rolls. It was great.

And so greasy.

We decided to walk over to the nearby park to see what was going on and get a better vantage point for the fireworks.

We were also told there was free food and beer.

Meadow immediately went to the playground.

When the fireworks started Meadow got startled. We went under the picnic shelter to watch from a distance.

They had karaoke and a dj when we arrived. The announcer kept saying the fireworks would be starting soon so we decided to stick around. This town really knows how to party.

You can't get this close anymore in Three Lakes.

No pictures and no flashlights. It's morning, Blake.

Brayden and I had big plans, but the wind had it's own. Every time we'd try to fish the canoe would be pushed across the water. So, we called it a day.

We tried again to bike with Meadow, only this time she actually joined us.

Get's distracted easily.

This has to be one of  my favorite moments of being a dad.

It's something I've been looking forward to too.

The dress, the helmet so adorable.

Hey, look, it's Brayden fishing again.

Meadow wanted to paint her nails and Blake's.

Then I got a turn.

Zissou opted out of the finger nail painting.

Then the Farber's arrived and with gifts. They got Meadow a doll bike seat for her bike.

I setup Marina and Meadow with some hide-a-bobbers.

Those bobbers are perfect for little girls that like casting more than fishing.

Everyone partied down by the lake while I cooked dinner.

We finally made the Spaghetti and Meatballs Meadow had asked for.

Except Meadow wouldn't join us. She's been very self conscious about eating around people lately.

We also need a bigger table soon. And we did a good job coordinating outfits.

Nothing better than beer and some Meatballs.

Back to fishing.

The bluegills were finally biting. This was probably my fourth that night including a big guy not pictured.

Fish, fish, fish...

until the fireworks go off.

I saw a recipe video awhile ago for a giant egg sandwich made in a bundt pan. It's perfect for cooking breakfast for a crowd.

Yes, please.

Oh yea as this is the weekend of gift giving I got for Chelsea's birthday this giant inflatable flamingo.

Straight after breakfast the kids were back in the water.

Even though her swimming lessons didn't go well she is suddenly a water baby and wants to play all day in the water. Even if we ask if she wants ice cream.

Meadow, Harvey and Mr. Mike stayed behind, but almost everyone else went for a canoe race to the Sunset Grill for some ice cream.

I really should have joined Blake's team.

Brooke picked on me right around here for not enjoying the waves that were nearly entering our boat.

He was afraid of the waves coming from all the passing boats.

Almost there.

Once we got to the cafe for our ice cream everyone was happy.

On the way back, we had less motivation.

Apparently Blake's boat is faster or we suck at paddling. Either way it was a nice little afternoon trip.

More gifts. My mom arrived and gave Blake a new bird feeder and tons of birdseed. Meadow got a new art easel.

It looks like Brayden caught the same bluegill that I let go the night before.

For dinner, Jeff made us some of his famous chili.

Of course everyone had to fish one more time. In fact Marina caught her first sunny.

As the sun was going down Blake, Brooke, Meadow and I headed to Big Fork lake for a boat parade.

I saw on the marquee downtown that their was a night boat parade. Apparently it's been going on for a few years. Since we all couldn't fit in my dad's boat we took our canoe to a boat launch to watch.

Mr. Mike and the crew were meeting us on the fishing boat.

Brooke was ready to light up the lake. 

Next year I will bring my whole light up wardrobe.

Then the parade began.

Next year we're going to have get a little motor to have our canoe in the parade.

One boat yelled, "Good try canoe" and another said, "Canoe's count too!"

We will have to get more solar or battery powered lights.

As the boats circled the lake and it grew darker we paddled to the other side to watch again.

Just as the sun was shining it's last rays we had to boat back to our car.

During the boat ride I had noticed that my foot was killing me. I had stepped on something in the lake. By morning I felt good enough to bike into town with Brooke, Blake and Meadow.

Last year we got in trouble for taking my mom home after the parade. This year I decided we should bike so we could leave whenever we wanted. The ride to town wasn't bad. I don't know why we never did this before.

I couldn't miss the donuts.

The town banned people from setting out chairs before midnight. My dad got up really early to save our spot and he said there were already tons of chairs out. Next year we will have to go at midnight.

Chelsea decided that pink is equivalent to red. No, no it is not.

When I came out in the morning after getting dressed my mom and Chelsea said I looked unpatriotic and something about Isis. Apparently a blue dress isn't good enough.

Harvey, Nolan and Marina got all of the candy. Meadow just sat on our laps.

If Meadow wanted candy she'd have to get it herself. She never went for it even when they threw it practically on her lap.

I always love the Canadians that come down for the fourth.

Of course we had to walk over to the park to see what was going on.

I like that all the bars and restaurants sell drinks outside their establishments so the streets become crowded with people.

For the first time since I started coming to Three Lake's 4th of Julys we got pie.

I don't know why we always skipped it before.

Back at the cottage meant more lake time.

Before we could head home, I went tubing with everyone. Well, except Brooke and Meadow.

We snuggled and read books instead. Until next time cottage.


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