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Mayday, Mayday...Minneapolis Parade Day

I think Meadow was still tired from our Appalachian road trip, but we had a Mayday parade to check out. 
I whipped up some bagel and egg sandwiches to keep us full until lunch time.

We finally decided on a green color. I think it looks great with the woodwork and white countertops/backsplash.

This means we're basically finished with the kitchen remodel.

So long 70's wallpaper. All that's left is removing the yellow countertop that sticks out under the corkboard. 

The 26th Avenue Greenway that's just down the block is nearly finished. We take it most times we're heading points south and east of downtown. 

It really is nice.

I had asked Brooke to pump up the tires in the bike trailer. A mile from home one tire popped and then in downtown the second one burst. Apparently she'd doubled the recommended air pressure. Whoops.

He always tells me I can put more in than what is recommended. Apparently that is not the case.

Within reason. Not three times as much.

We found a decent spot atop a vacant lot despite the tire fiasco.

Meadow was really enjoying the parade this year. The weather was perfect too, not too hot or too cold. I'm talking about you MayDay 2011.

If you're from Minneapolis and you haven't been to Mayday, you're missing out.

As usual once the Free Speech portion of the parade starts we head towards Powderhorn Park.

It's perfect that my wife and little gal both love city life and family hikes.

We stopped at the local Mexican market to use the bathroom and get some food.

Then we got La Loma tamales from across the street to bring with us to the park for the show.

We claimed our spot and ate our tamales.


Meadow also enjoyed the puppet show too.

When she wasn't acting goofy.

This year's theme centered around Standing Rock. It was the best show in years. 

Always a good time.

We walked around the park for a little bit before heading back.

Then we went to the infamous Lake Street K-Mart to get a couple of bike tubes after the two bike shops we passed were closed. This is the first time I'd entered the store that made Nicollet impassable.

 I couldn't get the tires off with the first levers, so I went back in and got the spender repair kit.

Now that we got some new tubes we just needed to find some air to fill them up.

We ended up back at nearby Sunrise Cyclery where we caught the manager who let us borrow a pump. 

And we made it.

I was getting ready for work when I came out to find Meadow riding a two wheeler!

Seeing Meadow bike was such a sweet moment. It totally made up for the trailer tire kerfuffle.


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