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An Appalacian Hipcamp Road Trip: Via Rockford

We had a route planned to get to Rockford, Illinois for our last campsite of the trip, but we soon found out that roads were out in every direction.

Apparently the whole state of Indiana and the southern part of Illinois were under water. We had to take many detours due to flooded roads. It was sad to see so many farms turned into lakes.

On our way Meadow threw up in the car. When we stopped to eat she threw up again. I think what actually happened was she drank too much water too fast.

Hello 16 year old Meadow.

We stopped at Yesterday's Drive-in in Carmi, Illinois because only drive-ins, Mexican restaurants, bbq joints and the occasional buffet can be trusted when you're in rural America.

Yesterday's Drive In
Meadow was excited to eat her chicken rings out of a car.

I, of course, couldn't say no to bbq one last time.

The weather was OK for a while, but we knew we'd hit some storms eventually. When we got to the northern half of Illinois a deluge came down and didn't stop until we made it near Rockford.

We had to setup our tent in the dark, but the rain had subsided and we'd made it to our forest hideaway along the Kishwaukee River.

The low for the night was 37 degrees. Our coldest night yet. Thank goodness we got Meadow her new sleeping bag. 

We got to rent the hosts SUV to drive down to the campsite. He had a wash out recently and it was probably the only way to get to the site.

I used the headlights to light our pho noodle bowl dinner.

The bundled up ladies joined me when it was all ready.

The perfect meal for this night and the lantern we decided on works great. And bonus it can be used to charge our phones.

Of course, late night camping means late night story time by the lantern light.

I got up extra early to drink some tea, get some fishing in and start a fire. It was chilly and I wanted to get some use out of my new axe.

Forest Hideaway Along the River Hipcamp

It was nice to be up before anyone else much of the trip.

Scott is a late sleeper unless we are camping.

The campsite was at the bottom of the hill at the end of a cul-du-sac. What another great property.

I went to get our hiking boots and some wood for the fire.

Forest Hideaway Along the River Hipcamp

After I woke up I explored the various trails.

I got the fire going, but the axe wasn't much help. I guess the cheapo one at Wal-mart was a dud. Should've kept the Estwing, Brooke.

Forest hideaway Along the river
A morning fire is a rarity for us.

camp pancakes lodge skillet
Once everyone woke up, we had camp pancakes one last time.

With our new skillet that worked great.

camp pancakes lodge skillet

Forest Hideaway Along the River Hipcamp
Meadow and I had some quality time fishing along the Kishwaukee. It was almost the end of our trip.

 But it wasn't quite over. We met up with my dad in Madison. We had to pick up some bars for a roof rack from Craigslist and my pops brought my new bike along.

We are finally getting a roof rack for the carry. So long giant pool noodles.

Bassett Street Brunch Club
We thought we might as well have some lunch before we went home. We stopped by the Bassett Street Brunch Club, which was a bit too hip, but pretty dang good.

I felt a little grubby around the hungover millenials. The food was so good and I love that Meadow's came on a divided tray.

And just like that we said goodbye to my dad and we went home to Minneapolis.


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