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Another September Cottage Visit (With Grandma Lungwitz)


We had plans to come to the cottage one more time before New Years. We had hoped to come up for Cranberry or Pumpkinfest, but Scott works both those weekends. Since we had nothing better to do this weekend, why not? 

We arrived late on Thursday. My dad was doing a job nearby so he was already there before us.

In the morning we found that we didn't have any milk or eggs. Or beer. I went to go get some right away in the morning.

Sometimes corned beef hash from the can hits the right spot.

It'll do.
With the day being cool and rainy, my dad suggested we take Meadow to the Northwoods Children's Museum. The first thing when you come in as a little log cabin home. Meadow made herself at home.
We finally talked her into going to another room.

I had fun playing some old school construction games. It was so awesome.
Meadow doesn't like to actually fish, but she loved the magnetic fish here.

Sorry Duluth, but this children's museum is way better.

Meadow was excited to go grocery shopping for herself.

Fine choices Meadow.

We've got a healthy little bugger.

Everyone played  dress up a bit with Meadow.

We let Meadow wear the fairy dress the rest of our time there. Here she's listening to a Pete the Cat book in the reading tree.

We had to go back to the Cabin one last time.
Meadow didn't want to leave until I told her we were going to get lunch. Mr. Mike suggested that we go to the Friendship House Family Restaurant once again.
The only thing she orders at restaurants.

I'm always disappointed by boxed mac and cheese ever since our friend Anna pointed this as one of her pet peeves.
My rueben was delish.

Indeed. Everyone else's food was great. I guess Meadow could care less.

The rain had cleared and the sun was out so we decided to walk around downtown Eagle River.

An antique store was going out of business right across the street. So, we went.

There was a reason this place was going out of business. Besides this sweet poster, there was a lot of junk.
Meadow had fun exploring.

A lot of things belonged in a rummage sale.

We went to a few toy stores and saw some awesome kites and picked up a few gifts.

Before getting back I stopped at Jokin' Joe's for worms. Only when I left I also had a new pan fish reel and line. Now Meadow can use her little Dock Demon all the time. That is, when she finally decides to fish.

The new reel works!

We didn't catch much of anything, but it's always great watching the sunset on Dog Lake.

Then my mom and Grandma showed up. Check out that fireplace.

Mr. Mike's almost done.

My parents wanted to go to Paul Bunyan's for breakfast. I thought they closed Labor Day weekend. I guess I was wrong.

Turns out that they close early on Labor Day, but then are open for a few more weeks.

Meadow hardly ate anything compared to last time she was here. She later told me she was saving room for an M&M cookie.

We can't blame her for that. Paul Buyan's shouldn't have all those baked goods sitting there when you enter.

Sure is quiet without all the tourists.

I think everyone can agree that it's all about the donuts.

You know G.G. perused the gift shops for a good while.
My mom bought this toy for Meadow after seeing her play with it in the gift shop.

It's a dog you walk with the pole. I wouldn't have bought it, but grandmas are free to spoil their grandchildren.
Shen then refused to get her annual picture on top of Babe's head.
Back at the cottage I did my annual deep cleaning of the car.

It was too cool to swim, so Meadow suggested we chase after her.

You could hear her giggling throughout the woods.

We ran back and forth like 20 times, I thought she would eventually get tired but never did.

I made a shrimp and okra gumbo for everyone. I toned it down for everyone since I didn't want to make anybody cry.

Too bad the sausage was melt your face off hot.

Brooke, this soup didn't have sausage in it. That was the last time we were here, when we made split pea and kale soup.

Gail was brave enough to try the hot sauce. It isn't Gumbo without it.

We had a fire outside sans Grandma. Meadow even tried to convince her that she had to.

Before we could leave I made crepes. It's been way too long since I've made these.

G.G. had another gift shop present for Meadow, a bear backpack.

She was too embarrassed to try it on in front of everyone. Once I got her alone she didn't want to take it off.

She showed her new bear all around the cottage.

Mr. Mike finally found a use for me on the fireplace buildout. I can hold things down!
These two.
Three Lakes was throwing an Oktoberfest by the winery. So, we went.

I guess it was their first year.
Brats, beer and pork sammys.
Meadow got herself a pretzel and root beer.

There was also a kids area. Meadow decorated a pumpkin on a stick.

I'm thinking they need a tent, or someplace with trees, next year.

At least there was polka.
Then we had to say goodbye to Three Lakes.

Of course we had to stop for ice cream on the way home.

Thanks Mr. Mike.


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