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Meadow @ 3 Years

Meadow is finally at an age where I don't want her to grow up. 

I had taken a photo of Meadow on the blue chair like I have been doing, but the photo got erased accidentally and I never retook the photo 

She loves rollerskating, books, sweets, ballet, dresses, puzzles, all fruit even lemons and limes, 

Her favorite book is Hungry Bears.  Her favorite color is pink.

Her favorite foods are ice cream, cucumbers, avocados, waffles, sour cream, yogurt, tofu, any fruit

She speaks very cleary, although quiet sometimes and stutters. She calls tofu "tufu",  our neighbor Wes is "West". 

She's still a late sleeper, but has given up naps. She will nap if we go anywhere in the car. 

I interviewed Meadow and here is what she answered:

Nicknames: Spaghetti's, Meadow bear
How old are you? free
What is your favorite color? Pink
What is your favorite animal? Bunny, frog
What is your favorite book? Meadow one (In My Meadow)
What is your favorite TV show? Daniel Tiger
What is your favorite movie? Nemo
What is your favorite song? ABC's
What is your favorite food? breakfast, cereal, pasta
What is your favorite drink? Milk and water
What is your favorite breakfast food? Cereal
What is your favorite snack? Gummy pineapple
What is your favorite outfit? A dress
What is your favorite game? Agnitus
What is your favorite toy? Umm a car
Who is your best friend? Roman
What is your favorite thing to do? Hats, read books
What is your favorite thing to do outside? Climb up the ladder
What is favorite holiday? Christmas
What do you like to take to bed with you at night? Umm a frog, my counting frog
Where is your favorite place to go? Go to, go to the playground
What is your favorite restaurant? Um the blue one, the mac and cheese one. (?)
Where do you want to go on vacation? To the library
What do you want to be when you grow up? Ride on trains
What did you do on your birthday? I ate cake and pinata time. 


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