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Lowry Open Streets and Super Moon Bike Ride

It's fall. You know that means I'm on a tear working on the house. Currently I'm scraping, priming and painting all of the exterior trim. I'm thankful we have stucco and wood siding.

I thought we should eat outside for lunch since it's going to get colder soon, but the bees scared me away.

Open Streets was just up the block on Lowry, so we put Meadow in her wagon and brought her balance bike.

Meadow was loving the open space.

Don't worry. Fbomb is the name of crafter.

We took a slow walk to the end of Open Streets.

After awhile she started going fast enough that she could balance for a little bit.

Our neighbor and fellow neighborhood board member Jeff made this home out of "We Buy Houses" signs. He didn't quite finish. When we saw him, he told us he wanted to enjoy the festivities.

Then she was done riding her bike and was ready to "run for a little bit."

She once again alternated between the street and sidewalk.

She even helped mom push the wagon.

The Minneapolis Bicycle Coalition had a mini-greenway set up. The street you see crossing Lowry will had a demonstration built out of the Northside Greenway for the next year.

I didn't know there was a Minnesota Transportation Museum.

I tried to go on the bus with Meadow, but she said, "No, don't wanna."

I thought this homemade tandem bike was a cool idea.

I don't think it's homemade, just really cool.

Until next year Open Streets Lowry.

Back at home Meadow and I tried to Skype with her cousins. No one was available, instead she had  fun talking to herself.

I had ripped my rain coat a long time ago and finally got around to mending it. I was pretty excited. 

For dinner we had some wicked quesadillas with corn, zucchini and a bunch of cheeses, most importantly Oaxaca.

As soon as we finished eating we got our bike ride in. 

Twenty-seven days in and I'm still going strong. Brooke's only missed one day.

On the way home I tried to find some apples from the recently-shuttered Asian market. I gave up after a few minutes and found the best ones that had fallen from the tree.

The night was so perfect we finally got a chance to sit out under our lights. 

Then Meadow and I played Rocksmith. To be more precise I played and she rocked out. It's great way to have her burn some energy before going to bed.

She really wants her own guitar.

The next morning the light poured in.

I think that just means our house is dusty.

Or we were cooking something that smoked up the house.

The majority of our 30 Days of Biking seems to happen quick after dinner. Today we went on one after breakfast.

Almost all of our rides to the southside take us down north 7th. We're somewhat limited in the routes we can take with a freeway and a river separating us from different parts of the city.

Every once in awhile we like to meander through the city.

It seems like every time we go on a bike ride there's a new bike lane somewhere.

We took a little break at a playground since Meadow had asked nicely.

When we got there, there were a few kids playing. Then it seemed like around noon everyone had to go so we had the place to ourselves.

Meadow insisted I read all the children's books to her from the little library.

This protected bike lane on 36th Street was the highlight of the new bike lanes.

We're getting something like this a block south of us, but it won't be done until the end of next summer.

So far this fall has been amazing. It really doesn't feel like fall, but more like an extended summer.

That's because fall started last week.

I can't wait until 26th Avenue is finished.

We had actually finished dinner by 5:30 for once. I suggested we take the kayaks out, but we were both too lazy to get them on the car. Instead we settled on going to Wirth Lake so Meadow could ride her bike.

Momma took Meadow and I put her balance bike in the trailer.

Every once in awhile Meadow needs to get off and "walk for a little bit."

We walked around the whole lake. Meadow went back and forth between riding her bike and running.

The sky was awash in techniclor as we crossed the lake.

I was anticipating the blood moon lunar eclipse tonight. We were confused where the moon was when we suddenly turned the corner and saw it's hugeness.

As we biked home I tracked the very large moon. Sorry no eclipse pictures.


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