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Garage Sales in South Minneapolis and Uncle Colin in Milwaukee

Ah summer breakfasts are the best. I love being able to go out to the garden to get fixings. Okay maybe if we had chickens it would be better. Although we probably should with the amount of eggs we go through in a week.

Meadow would just chug milk if it were up to her.

Avacado toast, greens speckled eggs and fresh fruit. Not bad.

We had to go grocery shopping for Brooke before Meadow and I went on a road trip to Milwaukee. We started things off at the Minneapolis Farmers Market.

The crowds and the produce are finally in full bloom.

The popcorn farmer is a new addition to the market.

I have been searching for a picnic table on Craigslist for a few weeks now. All the free and cheap ones always go fast. I saw an ad for one at a rummage sale, so we thought we would check it out. It also happened to be the Longfellow Neighborhood Garage Sale Weekend. 

Meadow is always interested in the bikes. We did score a couple of toys for her. Meanwhile Scott went to get cash.

We hung around the sale with kids stuff. The mom kept trying to give us more and more stuff. 

We managed to strap the table to the top our car and drive very carefully back to the northside.

I've been dreaming of a picnic table since we moved into our house. I have to say I am really enjoying our yard this year.

It's finally coming together.

Here's one of the toys Meadow got for 50 cents. Now she just needs an ark. 

A pretty good bounty for the middle of June.

I did my daily strwaberry picking while lunch was heating up. It's getting near the end of the season for us. Looks like we will have to go strawberry picking soon.

We ate some leftover chicken wings and chilaquiles for our inaugural picnic table meal. 

After lunch I finally put our sink back on the bathroom wall. Brooke was nice enough to finish painting the beadboard. Next step is to pick up some subway tiles for the soon to be shower.

Whenever I have a bunch of summer squash and zucchini I like to make some beer battered veggies.

Scott's favorite meal.

It's also a great excuse to pick up some beer.

This is going to be a great summer.

A day or so later and a wedding shoot later Meadow and I were in Milwaukee. She hasn't seen Grandma Tuska since Christmas.

Oh and who's that Meadow? It's Uncle Colin. My brother lives in NYC and rarely gets to visit.

He's also never met Meadow.

After feeding Meadow and I a bunch of their leftovers we went to the northside of Milwaukee for a frozen custard adventure.

 Kitt's Frozen Custard was a good change of pace from the typical stop at Leon's and Kopp's.

I can't believe I've never been here.

Good frozen custard and even better neon.

Meadow slept in grandpas room in a pack and play. Of course she woke me up in the morning.

Grandpa and Meadow played with our old Little People toys before we went on another adventure.

We stopped by my old stomping grounds at South Shore Park.

The old bath house yard was being turned into something. I think this was just rubbish back when I was a parkee.

These two!

For lunch we went to the other park I worked at in high school. Yes, the St. Francis Brewery converted part of the park building into a beer garden.

Freaking cool!

Meadow had a pretzel for lunch while the rest of us got wieners on pretzel buns and some beer.

Grandpa took Meadow to a nearby playground when she got antsy.

After two beers and some playground fun we went home to put Meadow down for a nap.

After putting Meadow down, Colin and I picked up some pizza at Saraphino's. My Bosnian friend's parents owned this place when I was a kid. I guess they sold out. The pizza is way too cheesy now.

Sure go to all the new places when I'm not there.

When Meadow woke up we took the little runt to her first Brewers game.

You know they're tailgating in MKE.

I was disappointed that a comfortable night in the 60s was roof closing weather. Wusses.

Meadow was nervous of all the people and held on to me for the first few innings.

Then we walked around Miller Park and got her a polish sausage. She ate the bread instead.

With something in her belly and the stands emptying Meadow was now having fun.

Check out her cute hat from her uncle Cully.

I think Uncle Colin, grandpa and I did a pretty good job watching this little rascal.

So sweet.

This must be a Meadow and Uncle Colin thing.

After the game we took the scenic route to Leon's Frozen Custard.

This place is always crowded no matter the season.

Colin tried one of their Mexican Hamburgers. It's basically sloppy joes.

Meadow, grandpops and I stuck to the custard. My dad compared it to Dairy Queen. No pops. Just no.

The light show and people watching are great, but I think Kitt's might have been better.

The next day Colin flew back to NYC and we drove to the cities.


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