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Minnesota Zoo and Mayday Parade with Mr. Mike and GG

My parents came up for the annual visit. My uncle had come up for Mayday a few years ago and my dad has been wanting to come up for it since. 

That being it said it was Mayday weekend and low and behold they showed up!

I made some cinnamon rolls for the occasion.

Brooke forced me to make some glaze, but I had to use sugar that I ground in the food processor. It turned out a bit gritty.

Actually it was my mom who thought it was crazy that we were going to serve them without any glaze.

Today was supposed to have nice weather. We thought up ideas on what to do for the day and settled on the Minnesota Zoo.

We didn't realize that quite a bit of the zoo was indoors. I guess that makes sense in Minnesota.

My dad insisted on renting a stroller for Meadow. She loved climbing in and out of it all day. 

"Fish, fish." 

Meadow enjoyed the fish.

Meadow was having lots of fun seeing all the animals. Kids under two are free so it worked perfectly for us. We probably won't be going again until the next kid is almost two.

It was a nice respite from the Como Zoo. I love free, but it can get old.

After seeing all the indoor animals we stopped for an overpriced snack.

Fried food anybody?

Then we went and saw the Russian brown bear exhibit. This was the highlight of the zoo. I didn't realize how much bigger these guys are than the lowly black bears of the Northwoods.

This guy kept swimming up to the glass looking at everybody.

The prairie dogs were having a good time, but the monorail closed for good last year.

Over by the farm animals, my dad got some food for Meadow to feed the animals. She was a little afraid of how eager they were.

It felt like summer by the end of our day at the zoo.

I thought Meadow might nap in the stroller at some point, but I guess she was too excited to see everything.

Afterwards we stopped at the store and picked up some groceries for a cookout. Since we were near Lake Nokomis we picnicked there.

We forgot matches so I went to the nearest liquor store and picked up a lighter and brewskis. I chose a Milwaukee Brewing Co. variety pack since I've always had good luck with their brews.

Whenever the Romenesko clan is around you can bet on a pile of snacks. I had requested some chex mix from Momma Gail and she indulged me.

We brought along our fold and go grill and used the parks one as a stand.

I'm not the best grill master, but I gave it a scouts try.

We picked a spot near the playground for Meadow. She loved going down this slide over and over. We may have to come back here again.

The next morning, after my mom and I went to church, we had pancakes for breakfast before heading to the May Day parade.

We left a little later than usual and had to park a few blocks a way. I was worried we were going to be late and not find a spot, but we were fine.

It's always fun to check out the freaks and geeks of Minneapolis.

This guy in his house didn't seem to like the revelers.

It was already pretty hot in the sun. My dad and I waited in the shade until the parade started.

Meadow was cool with the sun.

The parade was as crazy as ever.

Except we didn't see the crazy punk float this year.

This years theme centered on the Black Lives Matter movement.

It was nice that they made an effort to diversify the participants. For being a multicultural hub of the cities they'd failed to do so in the past.

As always we headed down towards Powderhorn Park when the "Free Speech" portion of the parade started.

She doesn't like politicians.

After claiming our spot we went our separate ways for lunch.

We got Chef Shack.

Meadow enjoyed her portion.

The show was going to be starting soon and my parents weren't back yet. We saw them walk by. They had to get water first.

I was getting worried that they'd miss the big show.

The crowds are always so entertaining.

Hopefully next year we can actually bike.

We said goodbye to Mayday after it looked like storms were heading our way. By the time we got home to the Northside their car got pelted with hail.

After running into the golf ball size hail storm on our way back home, we decided to go out for dinner instead of having Scott cook.

My dad wanted pizza. I think we go out for pizza every time they're here so we wanted to think of a new place.

I picked Crescent Moon since I'd always wanted their football shaped pizza. Mr. Mike was a little disappointed they didn't have beer. 

We had no clue Momma Gail loved hot sauce so much.

The next morning my parents went home. Until next year.


Amanda said…
Sounded like a great visit! :)

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