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Super Cold Sunday

After sleeping in with hangovers we rolled out of bed for breakfast burritos.

Weird breakfast burritos as Brooke put it earlier in the weekend.

"Look at all those frozen Bundts, Meadow."

This was the perfect breakfast after a night of Birthday celebrating.

More or less breakfast burritos with sweet potatoes instead of potatoes and chorizo. It could've used chorizo.

I was feeling pretty lazy and tired so I worked on my branch weaving.

I, on the other hand, was actually quite cognizant after drinking like a much younger Scott.

Brayden was my adventure companion for the weekend. We walked across the frozen lake until I felt a nervous tinge. Then we turned around.

Mr. Mike showed up out of nowhere. He feigned a game of chicken. I stood my ground. 

Brayden saw this as another chance to chase a snowmobile. The snowmobile won.

Mr. Mike had to refresh the ice fishing holes. I had to get something to eat.

Mr. Mike brought some expired barbecue sauce and we still had some of Dan's smoked beef. I married these two ingredients with the pizza dough that we had leftover.

I eventually ventured outside to get fresh air. Scott took me on a short ride. I don't mind snowmobiles I just can't handle being on frozen lakes with them.

I tried to show off my mad skills for my honey. I think I might be too manly for my wife.

Brayden had fun picking on minnows.

These minnows get no respect.

See him in the background trying to hook the minnow?

Mr. Mike filled in for momma Gail. Someone's got to burn the paper trash. Or we could just recycle it...

I was able to fill the entire deck railing with my luminaries. Brayden made the brown one.

Brayden insisted on an action shot. I indulged him and then went inside to make our Super Bowl Chili.

I thought it was too cold to take Meadow out, but Nolan was doing fine outside. While I was getting ready my dad took Meadow for her first snowmobile ride.

Chelsea and my dad helped Meadow walk. Notice her screaming. Eventually she did it on her own. It was almost like getting to watch her learn to walk again.

This is such a big step for her. She's refused to walk outside in her snowpants all winter long.

After realizing she could walk on snow she didn't want to go back in. She even ran to the end of driveway and kept going.

Then it was Super Bowl time a.k.a. lets eat a lot of food.

Isn't that the cottage in general? What she fails to mention is that they are scarfing taco dip while I slave over chili. Real nice, guys...

They were preoccupied by the game, so I ate while everyone else screwed around.

In the meantime I lit up all my luminaries.

 Indeed she did.

So pretty.

No we're going to have to come up again to enjoy all her hard work.

And make more.

Eventually everyone else had to get home so it was just us and cake.

And a really good Super Bowl.

We also got left with lots of dishes to do.

Since I freelance and Brooke works in the middle of the week we often get stuck with dishes, cleaning and winterizing the cabin. I guess I'm alright with that. I even volunteered to do the dishes.

I wish we could've stayed another day. I didn't want to stop puzzling.

Since Meadow had survived yesterdays single digit weather we had some fun before leaving.

Remember that pristine lake just a few days back.

She's getting a hang of walking on the snow.

I think we're still planning on living on the road in a few years. The Airstream wants us to fix her up.

Until next time Wisconsin.


Amanda said…
Oh this made me laugh out loud: I tried to show off my mad skills for my honey. I think I might be too manly for my wife.What a great time!

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