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Best of 2014 and Resolutions

Another year, another best of. This time with photos.

January--Sledding at Minnehaha Falls

February--Como Park Zoo and Conservatory

March--Winter camping at Bear Head Lake State Park

April--Sand dunes on St. George Island, Florida

May--Putting in the dock at the cottage

June--Kayaking Lake Superior on Madeline Island

July--Meadow's 1st birthday party at the cottage

August--Meadow took her first steps while camping at Beaver Creek Valley State Park

September--Meadow driving the boat up at the cottage

October--At the Country Sun Farms Pumpkin Patch

November--All Souls Night in Duluth

December--Climbing Ely's Point in Duluth

2014 was a pretty great year, I really had a hard time picking just one photo from each month.

Scott thinks these are dorky, but I like looking back on what I said the year before.

Best of 2014
1. Watching Meadow grow ( I know all parents say that, but it really is fun)
2. Going on a 2 week road trip to Florida.
3. Being better off financially and still getting to spend more time together.
4. Having the freedom to travel as much as we want. 
5. Getting outside and never being afraid to bring Meadow along for an adventure.

Worst of 2014
1. Having close friends move far away.
2. Finding out Meadow had elevated lead levels
I usually don't have too many bad things to say so I should probably eliminate this category.

Things We had Hoped to Accomplish in 2014
1. Learn to Crochet--YES (it was easier than I thought). 
2. Worry less--I wish I could say Yes, but not much has changed. I'm not sure I'm very good at worrying less.
3. Eat less sugar. Not totally eliminate because I have no self control, but eat a lot less of it. Pregnancy made me more into sweets than I was before. Sorry Scott. (Brooke)--I had to remind myself of this every couple months. I did well at first, but my sweet tooth took over.
4. Since I'm now better at glazing windows, I hope to get ten windows done by the end of the year. OK, well I got three more done, but our house got assessed for lead and we're mostly getting new ones. I'll only have seven left when the rest are replaced. And yes, we're getting wood ones that match our house.
5. Eat more sugar. I love homemade sweets. I feel like we didn't make enough in 2013. We've got to make up for that. Sorry Brooke.  I probably made less sweets than in previous years. I have been eating breakfast with Meadow nearly every morning. That means oatmeal and brown sugar.
6. Make more photo albums/print photos--I didn't get any done. We have been slowly working on going through our thousands of photos and saving ones we want to print. We've been doing a good job at deleting useless and blurry photos, but not so good about picking ones out.

Thing We Looked Forward to in 2014
1. Watching Meadow grow. --She is so much more fun now than a year ago. I think she was always fun!
2. Taking Meadow on adventures. --She's been on lots
3. Going on a business trip to Florida and North Dakota together. --Florida yes, maybe North Dakota soon. We did get to Chicagoland for a week, but that wasn't as fun. Another shoot in Duluth was a good excuse to visit Blake a few times.

And onto 2015

Thing We Look Forward to in 2015
1. Watching Meadow become a kid and start talking.
2. Taking a road trip to Texas.
3. Another year with my wonderful wife and all the crazy things she gets us to do.

Things We Hope To Accomplish in 2015
1. Learn to sew. I have so many things I'd like to make.
2. Finish a pair of socks on my loom. 
3. Make photo albums
4. I guess I should just sum mine up as make more.

1. Take Meadow on a bike ride once or twice a week once it gets above 50 degrees.
2. Seeing the Tuska side of the family more often. (Colin you better visit this year!)
3. Go to at least four concerts this year. We really have been bad at going to shows recently. 


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