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On The Fourteenth Day Of Advent We Redecorated The Tree And Did Other Stuff

Brooke has become our breakfast champion. I don't mind giving this task up.

Somehow Scott has taken over the roll of making dinner and I have taken over making breakfast. 

Rye waffles with raspberry suace. I ground my own rye flour and used raspberries that we picked this summer.

Some fellow bike nerds over north invited me to join their little bike committee. I decided it was a worthy cause if it means the North Minneapolis Greenway gets built.

While Scott was doing that, Meadow and I went to three different stores looking for dress shoes for her. 

This month has been so busy that I've taken a break from cleaning. We have a few guests coming over this week so today was to be spent getting the house back in order. I started with kitchen.

I finally put up Meadow's coat hooks after months of slacking.

So much better.

We swore a few dozen times getting our tree onto its new stand.

At least this tree isn't as pokey as last years.

I made chicken mole, yellow rice and refried beans for dinner. This was a great meal. You'll have to get Mark Bittman's most underrated cookbook for this. Apparently it's out of print.

Our little girl now likes to eat her dinners at her own table. I guess if this makes her eat.

She refuses to eat when she's sitting with us. Unless it's breakfast.

After cleaning all day I relaxed after dinner.

I still had more chores to do, while Scott and Meadow watched TV together.


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