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Cold, Cold Days. Warm Cottage.

We all rolled out of bed after sleeping in. 

My dad went through some boxes of stuff and found the blueprint for our cottage. Looks like he added more windows and expanded the deck. 

Last night at the grocery store they had homemade pasties for sale. Scott and I picked some up for lunch. 

I guess this makes up for not having any on our UP honeymoon. They were pretty good too.

I wanted to go outside and play again, but everyone else complained it was too cold. 

I didn't want to go out alone so I worked on my puzzle which Blake also helped out with. 

I realized when we had that Starry Night puzzle that I'm not really a puzzle person.

My parents left in the afternoon. We entertained Meadow the rest of the day.

This was me being a bear.

Meadow hadn't been napping well here so I put her in the Ergo and walked around. While walking around I read about vaccines. 

Scott made tacos for dinner. The puzzle joined us.

It was the only dessert we had.

Meadow wanted to eat the tablecloth. 

Blake thought he'd try this baby-wearing thing out. 

Then it was bath night for Meadow. We didn't bring her tub and there's no bathtub here so the sink had to do.

She didn't seem to mind. 

So many toys Meadow so many toys. 

Blake is really good at keeping Meadow entertained. 

We were lazy about making breakfast so once Scott got up he suggested the Friendship House Family Restaurant in Eagle River. 

Meadow's never excited for car rides.

The ice castle was busy today.

Meadow behaved herself pretty well besides a few times where she vocalized. 

Blake and I ordered breakfast skillets. 

I got a chicken parmesan sandwich. It was pretty darn good. Can't go wrong with unpretentious diner.

There was a table next to us of a family with a little girl and a 9 month old. Their waitress commented that their kids were so well behaved. The mom commented that they wouldn't take them out if they weren't. We couldn't help but wonder if she was referring to Meadow.

I kind of felt slighted. There kids just seemed boring.

I guess they're not done building the castle.

We wanted to get more candles for our luminaires so we tried Shopko.

R.I.P. Pamida.

Just what you'd expect to find at the son of Pamida.

They had some pretty funny stuff here. They didn't have the candles we wanted, but we did get a summer hat for Meadow and a tree skirt for the tree at the cottage.

I think Mr. Mike would've appreciated these party cups.

We were on our way to the dollar store to find candles when we saw a thrift store. 

This place had some really great deals. 

We got a Cuisinart ice cream maker, 2 children books, a tea pot and a bike carrier for under 10 dollars.

  Ice cream at the cottage, yo! 

Down the street we checked out another thrift store. 

The prices were higher here but they had a lot of cool vintage items. We didn't find anything we needed here. 

With Meadow dressed we took her out in her sled real quick. It was finally above zero today. 

Are you ready Meadow?


She loved the quick spin on the lake. 

Then back inside we went.

One of the books I got at the thrift was the original Amelia Bedelia. Meadow is telling me how much she likes it.

Amelia Bedelia needs to get fired by that family.

We decided to have leftovers for dinner.

I had forgotten to soak black beans for burgers. Whoops.

My mom left us some Mike's Hard Lemonade. 

Sugary. Horrible. But that'll do pig.

Then we lit the rest of the luminaries. Now I want to collect a bunch of bundt pans so next year we can line them up all the way down to the lake.

I want to make a massive design on the lake. It'll be awesome.

Then Blake decided to light some fireworks. 

Afterwards we played Scattergories. Blake and Scott were confused on how to play at first. 

Meadow was excited to eat the table cloth. Again.

"Look at my belly guys." 

Then we finished watching Oz The Great and Powerful. 

Mr. Mike left behind a minnow that looked like a gold fish.

Blake named him McChicken and he was our pet for a few days.

We offered it to Peanut, but he wasn't up for real meat.

Big, wet kisses for Mama. 

The next morning we had crepes for breakfast. 

Afterwards we packed up and cleaned up the place. 

Blake and I didn't know what to do with McChicken so I filled a bundt with ice and then added him a few minutes later with water. Unfortunately McChicken is no longer with us.

In Memorium. McChicken 2013 - 2014.


Amanda said…
McChicken . . .
So I got that vaccines book from a friend. What are your thoughts about it? Are you giving them all?

It sounds like another nice stay up north. How long does it take you guys to get there?

We should for sure meet there this summer!

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